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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy II Blade

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I just got a Dolomite Niple Grip shaft in a trade with Dieselbro, and need a tapered blade with a Drury curve. Does the Synergy II comp blade have CNT in it, and does it feel equivalent to a Z-Carbon CNT?. I checked the Easton website and the Synergy II was described as "Synergy SL technology", but wasn't quite sure what that meant. Also,is the Synergy II currently the lightest tapered blade? If not what other blade would feel well balanced with a Dolo shaft?

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What about a kovalev dolo blade

this is what i currently use with my Dolomite shaft, but beware of Warrior lies... it's not the same as the Easton Drury in that aspect.

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Yeah, for the shaft I'd go with a Dolo. I've got Vapor XX blades in my Dolos but the Dolo blades felt fine in there for me.

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Thanks for the quick replys. I was just asking about the Synergy II because I currently use the Z-Carbon CNT in my Ak 27 and like it.

daca, is it just the listed lies that are different, or have you actually compared the two? Warrior is known to list lies a bit off, so I just wanted to confirm.

Also, are the dolo blades much different than the tapered innos? My Inno draper went soft pretty quickly....

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I'm pretty sure the synergy II blade doesn't have CNT... but it's a quality blade, although somewhat lacking in durability. I don't think it's as bad as a SL OPS though.

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