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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin guard fit trade off

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I did a search on shin guard fitting methods and I didn't find one that addressed my question here:

I've hovered between using 13" shin guards and 14" all my life. With a 13" I find it doesn't jam against my tongue as often, but every so often, a puck manages to find itself meeting the inside of my ankle just above the ankle bone. Using 14", that spot is less vulnerable but they really do feel much too long for me cause the bottom will hit the tongue of my skates and push up.

Any trick? Is there something like slash guards (not that I think they'd do much good) where I can where 13's and cover the exposed bits up?

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different manufacturers' 13/14" are different sizes, so you could try on a number of different brands at a LHS to find a longer 13 or slightly shorter 14. you'll feel stupid doing it, but bring your skates with you to ensure a proper fit.

RBK also makes a 13.5" shin (possibly only in the fitlite 4k/6k series though)

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different manufacturers' 13/14" are different sizes, so you could try on a number of different brands at a LHS to find a longer 13 or slightly shorter 14. you'll feel stupid doing it, but bring your skates with you to ensure a proper fit.

RBK also makes a 13.5" shin (possibly only in the fitlite 4k/6k series though)

I agree but it's hard to protect every part of your body without limiting mobility. This is doubly true around your feet and ankles. Do what I do and get the hell out of the way when someone shoots.

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Let the 14" shin pad sit over the tongue of your skate. Now there is no gap for the puck to nail you. A lot of guys wear their shin pads that way and have no problem with skating/mobility issues.

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I'll second on DS' post. I switched from under the tongue to over the tongue when i got a pair of jofas a couple of months ago and had no issues with it. I just got a pair of Grafs and could pt the shins under the tongue if i wanted to, but choose not to.

Chadd, I'm the opposite, I step into shots on a regular basis, despite yelling and cursing every time I catch one in an unprotected/underprotected spot.

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Yeah, what DarkStar said, try the 14 inchers but put them on the outside of the skate tongue. Tuck your laces underneath the shin guard and pull your sock all the way down and you'll be all set!

Your mobility won't be compromised if your shin has some room to move a bit down there.

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