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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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soreness on the front of shin.

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Anything I can do about this its only after hockey it hurts, I was thinking maybe its the rocker of my skates vs style? I have a defencemans rocker and my skates aren't profiled, any Ideas?

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Shouldn't this be in general hockey discussion? Anyway, I really have no clue what you should do. :lol:

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Well I know for a fact its not lace bite as Ive had that before, its like a muscle soreness soo I was thinking it maybe had somthing to with the profile of my skate blades. So I was thinking that the equipment section would be the place to ask about my SKATES. The area its affecting is the out side of my shin below my knee.

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Well I know for a fact its not lace bite as Ive had that before, its like a muscle soreness soo I was thinking it maybe had somthing to with the profile of my skate blades. So I was thinking that the equipment section would be the place to ask about my SKATES. The area its affecting is the out side of my shin below my knee.

If its just muscle soreness put some ice on it and skate through it. The soreness will go away as your shin muscle strenghtens and then you won't have to worry about it anymore.

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Have you tried different insoles in your skates?

I get what I can only assume is shin splints...but not when I skate...when I run or do a lot of walking.

Apparently Dr. Schol's make an insole that can give better cushioning and eliminate the problem...which I haven't done...but am planning on trying.

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I had a similar pain too, started happening right after I was told to bend my knees more.

So, if your stride is improving, and you are getting more knee bend, it may just be the muscles getting stronger/used more.

It will pass, unless it's something else, in that case, don't listen to me

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Smoke is on the right path, you just are not in shape in that particular area. I took a couple years off hockey and the first couple times I came back I had the same soreness. I think it is just one of those muscles that doesn't get worked very much in non-skating exercise. It will pass.

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You do not mention your age.

If you are a teenager, and are still growing, you may be getting some sort of tendonitis due to your bones growing, but your muscles not stretching out long enough yet. Where your muscles attach to the bones gets yanked on and inflamed, and if not taken care of can turn into a real problem.

This is a pretty common problem at the other end, where you get a big bump just below the knee cap, and it is called Osgood Schlatters when it happens up there.

If this is the case for you, then there are only two things to do:

1) ice it down every time you skate

2) do specific exercises to try to lengthen the muscle out so it matches you bone length

Scope this out:


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This is a pretty common problem at the other end, where you get a big bump just below the knee cap, and it is called Osgood Schlatters when it happens up there.

My doctor diagnosed me with that and I didn't have a big bump; I just had bilateral knee pain. Now most of my knee pain in my right after my shin area bent too far up (so it bent further than parallel with my knee), and I have no idea what happened there. I think I have tendonitis, but my knee feels loose sometimes, when running.


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You get the bump around the same time they hand you crutches to walk around with for a couple of weeks. You are lucky if you catch it before that point.

For some odd reason, summer power skating camps seem to really cause this. The power skating is exactly the wrong type of exercise for a growing leg, and in the summer you are out of shape and more prone to have poor flexibility to start with.

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i think i had that for a little bit too ... how long has it been happening and have you not been on the ice for a while? ... my first few skates back after about a month or so of not being on the ice, i felt a soreness whcih went away after about 2 skating sessions ..

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There is quite a few things it could be. Seeing that you have been diagnosed with OS before, there is a high likelyhood that there is a low flexibility/high dependancy on this area. is it high up on the shin? (directly under the kneecap) or slightly lower down??? what is the flexibility of your calves (both muscles) like???

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Well for training I do alot of in gym stuff whats been going on all year legs is one of my strongest parts. Im 5'11 170 and Im 16 years old, maybe the growning thing is the problem not sure. Not to mention I also skate all year round 3 times a week, Im getting my skates custom profiled soo I'll keep you guys posted on whether the skates were the problem.

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There are specific exercises you can do to strengthen the fron of the shin. Put your toes under edge of a weight plate and lift up a few inches, duck walk on your heals with your toes in the air, etc.

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Is it a burning feeling while you skate as well? your tape, shingaurd straps might be cutting off a bit of circulation to your legs. You said you'r still growing a lot so things might be getting tighter on you and you don't notice it much. When I had this problem I just didn't put the shingaurds on as tight and didn't use the top two lace holes in my skate. Thats what worked for me. The skate profiling should help you a bit as well.

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You might have been on the right track in your first post where you mentioned profiling.

I just went from Graf 705s to Vapor XXXXs, and the change in pitch caused the same soreness(specifically from forward on the grafs to neutral, maybe even negative on the bauers, not to mention a higher cut and stiffer boot). I couldn't get my knees forward of my toes, and when I would flex further than usual in order to accomplish this, I felt similar pain to what you describe.

Once I had them profiled to a more forward pitch, bingo, no problem, no pain and I was skating like my old self again.

Also, OTG once commented on making sure that you put the tongues of your skates under you shin pads as if they are long, they will minterfere with your ability to flex your knee forward. I tried this some time ago, after having been a dedicated tongue flopped over guy and it was much better.

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Shin splints are usually only an impact sorta injury from what i remember from high school track. Rest is the only cure. Sounds like something else.

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