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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"if you can see the street, its time to skate..." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

this isn't anything like a sprung. think more 2 tuuk rockers on one chassis

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looks the same to me. the wheels stick out real far in the front and the back. and you didnt see one person on that video try to stop.

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i like how the one guy can't do crossovers at all. good work buddy.

check that, one guy can't do crossovers, and the next guy just can't skate at all.

you'll notice the one guy did have at least a ballistik stick, so there's probably some relation between the companies.

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those are just flat out stupid. the wheels stick out WAY to far and you can tell cause those guys in the video look like they are jumping when they do their cross overs. i bet they have to do that so the skates don't hit each other... that or they are all just really crappy skaters.

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Haha, that was pretty entertaining. Maybe these aren't bad for fitness skates but I can't see how they would aid off-ice training even a little bit.

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those are just flat out stupid. the wheels stick out WAY to far and you can tell cause those guys in the video look like they are jumping when they do their cross overs. i bet they have to do that so the skates don't hit each other... that or they are all just really crappy skaters.

Some players do jump with cross overs... but that's to gain more lateral movement. Mostly see this use with leisure skates though :rolleyes:

But yeah, those skate look too long in the wheel base. Just imagine how many spills they'll get when they clip wheels!!

Sprungs won me over because of the short wheel base & I've kept my stride! Stops are great too!

I'm hoping to stock sprungs for the UK soon I love them that much. Would be nice to see a sprung for the smaller boot (size 3-6), I've had kids ask after them from me.


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that's gotta be the worst promo vid i've ever seen. says nothing about the technology or explains any real advantages over a straight chassis. just a bunch of crapily shot video footage with annoying zoom ins and bad fx. they should have spent more time on showing why it's better and such.

and yeah, <cough> sprung <cough>

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don't mean to spam -- I posted this on another hockey site that had a thread about newron...

hi all- I just found out about the newron and in googling it ran across sprung frames... I guess I've been out of the loop (haven't been actively looking for new roller frames for a long time)

I'm just curious if overall, either of the two really are as they claim -- in that they reduce the difference between roller and ice hockey strides??

I started out playing roller hockey, and now play both, but I definitely would be interested in a frame that allows me to skate the same way and thus maximize my muscle memory -- I play in leagues for both roller and ice , weekly, and I definitely find myself doing the shorter strides of roller, on the ice rink :-(

I can't find anything (yet?) on the web abotu true "biomechanical" evidence of either of these frames doing that, though the newron page makes it sound like they have some (evidence) I don't see it yet.

in any case- "lab tests" are one thing, but I'd love to hear people who've used either or both and if they really did feel like ice, or if its just hooey

(for the record, my current roller frames are.. actually not current at all -- I love them but they're from a now defunct brand -- "konki' (started in san diego).. TIG welded aluminum; very sturdy (10 + yrs old) -- I like them because they're 3+1 == back 3 wheels are all level and the front wheel (axle) is slightly raised)

please respond, positively or negatively, but just honestly -- what people think about sprung frames or newron and if they're worth using..

thanks much,


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