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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood SOP at my LHS

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Yesterday I went to my LHS and I was looking through the sticks and saw like 6 sticks that said SOP on them.. Do some Sherwood sticks say this on them or are they custom(Special Order Program)?

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sometimes a shop will order SOPs on their own so that they'll be available. My LHS used to stock some custom TPS blades with their own name and pattern on them. sometimes they'll let a customer do a partial order, and sell the rest in-store. (ie if the minimum is 12 and the customer only wants 6)

I'm pretty sure some shops have ordered RM19s in SOP so that they have them on hand as well. Those would most likely be with standard curves similar to all the popular ones.

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I remember getting some at the LHS a while ago and added "unless you guys want some of them" and seeing the worker go "ugh, no thanks" and make a horrible face.

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My LHS has some SOP 9950's and had some SOP RM19's. I would guess it was for advertisement since the RM19's had a Crosby stamp on them.

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I remember getting some at the LHS a while ago and added "unless you guys want some of them" and seeing the worker go "ugh, no thanks" and make a horrible face.

haha, maybe if you went to a golf pro shop they'd want a couple of those sand wedges. ;)

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