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Oilers cry foul over Nylander deal

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Wow , just curious to what everyone thinks will happen. Never heard of anything like this happening before.

Never heard anything like this? Try reading up on Lindros after he was drafted or Gratton when he ended up in Philly. Granted, both are trades and not UFA signings but the resolution will be based on those situations.

No need for two topics anyway.


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"To our knowledge, there has been only one Standard Player's Contract executed and filed with the League, and under our CBA, that contract should be enforceable," Deputy NHL Commissioner Bill Daly said in a written statement. "But if, after reviewing all of the relevant facts here, there has been a breach of a contractual commitment, we will certainly assist the Oilers in any way we can in seeking an appropriate remedy."

Update 10:02I've spoken with a couple of sources who have indicated that there is virtually no way that Nylander's contract with the Capitals can be voided. The only thing Edmonton can do at this point is seek damages from Nylander and his agent and perhaps petition the NHLPA to take disciplinary action against Gillis.


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Who the hell would Nylander be setting-up in Edmonton anyway? They should be lucky they didn't get him.

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