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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hey I am getting new skates today I have saved up to $800 bucks cnd and I saved up for the One 90's.I have a narrow forfoot and a narrow heel I only have 3 skates in mind of getting RBK 9K(white),Vapor XXXX's or the One 90's.I am currently wearing Graf 502's with t blades coming from this which skate could fit me the best

thanks kovalchuk77

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In my experience, refering to the standard D width, the Vapor XXXX's are the narrowest of the three followed by the One90's and the RBK's being the widest. Keep that in mind when you are trying the skates on.

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In my experience, refering to the standard D width, the Vapor XXXX's are the narrowest of the three followed by the One90's and the RBK's being the widest. Keep that in mind when you are trying the skates on.

i thought the vapors were the widest :unsure:

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no, because that's the way the boot is shaped. Look at the S15, it also has the same type of reduced/eliminated "negative space" but it fits a wider foot.

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TBL...you got it.

Negative space has nothing to do with the "last" of a boot...which is the shape the boot is designed to fit.

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