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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any ideas on how to kill an afternoon in Buffalo tomorrow? I get in around one and I'd rather not hang around the hotel all day so some input from residents would be appreciated.

Just for the record, I've been to the falls a few times.

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But theres allllllllways more to do at the falls. Actually a nice place we went to around there (it was in canada and I actually cant remember how far it was) was went to a place called st. Cathrines. Nice little place to kill a day off.

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I was there a few years ago for a wedding. We walked around downtown and it was, well underwhelming. There were a few bars in close proximity to each other that were pretty lively. I don't recall the names, but they were decent. Bring your skis, they may still have snow

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I think he was talking about downtown Buffalo. But back on topic, I was in Buffalo a few years back and well since I'm still not of legal drinking age, all I can say is the downtown area sucked. I'd hit up the bars if I were you...sounds like bars are always a sure bet to kill some time.

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If you have your shit, Open Hockey could be cool. If not, you could stop by The Fitch and I'll see what I can do about knocking a few bucks off some clothes for you...

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aw man, If your still here on saturday, the taste of buffalo is going on. Good reason to drink shitty draft beer and eat to much food....(although some of the food is pretty damn good). The party runs saturday and sunday and brings over 1/2 a million people into the city. Ask someone at the hotel and they will get you there, its a pretty good way to kill time

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