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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 2005 screenshots

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I just found some new screenshots of NHL 2005, and an interesting "developer diary" as well, and at least I like the looks of it, to me the graphics is very important and I think NHL 2005 looks WAY superior to ESPN as for graphics (and I've always liked the NHL games anyway so I'm sure I'll like this one too). And this year it seems like they will FINALLY have real arenas. About time! Looks good, I'll get it for sure. :)

NHL 2005 Developer Diary and screenshot

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This game is looking good so far, but the game I am REALLY looking forward to is Madden 2005. I actually already have a copy bought, just have to pick it up when it ships. Yes, I know, I am a geek.

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yea, it looks amazing, but why is it that they can never get the puck on the stick properly? its always floating off to the side of the stick

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i wish theyd make real gloves for the ppl. they've started putting in actual skates, helmets n sticks, now all they need is gloves. it'd be sweet too if they put unlockable gear in there like vintage stuff from the 50s...maybe stuff like gretzkys old helmet, or old skates for creating players, and the old cheese pads for goalies

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