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Shoulder Pads, Elbow Pads, Shin Pads

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For those who have checked them out, are the supreme 70 elbows significantly different in any respect to the one90 elbows? Theres only a 10 dollar difference, but if there is no difference really in the product then each saving can go towards getting a better other piece of equipment. Just curious as to what the differences are at all.

I have the One 90 elbows and two teammates have the Supreme 70s. The most noticable difference is the top strap seems a lot looser on the One90 while you can make it a lot tighter on the Supreme 70. Also there is the difference in color :D . Overall I don't think you could go wrong with either one.

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I believe the grip print is only on the one90 and apparently there is a "Nike memory foam," not sure about the memory foam though.

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I believe the grip print is only on the one90 and apparently there is a "Nike memory foam," not sure about the memory foam though.

It does have the grip print and it says memory foam but it feels exactly the same as the "comfort foam" in the Supreme 70s.

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So I guess the extra money is for the grip print... Which to this point is holding up well for my shins. Not sure how well it will hold up and I'm not sure how much it actually works. But the shins don't go anywhere... The grip print on the pants don't seem to do a whole lot of anything.

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So I guess the extra money is for the grip print... Which to this point is holding up well for my shins. Not sure how well it will hold up and I'm not sure how much it actually works. But the shins don't go anywhere... The grip print on the pants don't seem to do a whole lot of anything.

I think the grip print is just a gimmick to tell you the truth. Any proper fitting pad shouldn't move.

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I agree but it can't hurt. Honestly, I'd probably dish out the extra $10 just in case it actually makes a difference. If it was $20, heck even $15 more I would just get the 70s.

They are really nice elbow pads, my buddy bought a pair and he won't stop talking about them. Personally, right now I'll stick with my vectors.

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I agree but it can't hurt. Honestly, I'd probably dish out the extra $10 just in case it actually makes a difference. If it was $20, heck even $15 more I would just get the 70s.

They are really nice elbow pads, my buddy bought a pair and he won't stop talking about them. Personally, right now I'll stick with my vectors.

Don't get me wrong i love mine One90s, but there probably exactly the same as the supreme 70s just with the grip print and the ridges on the outside of the pad.

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Thanks guys for the help. I'll probably end up getting the one90s just because it is such a small difference. Maybe the padding quality is different and will help them last longer. If not, its only 10 bucks but if they do last longer then its worth it. Thanks again guys.

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Im really leanig towards the R8 because I have yet to find a TPS product that wasnt amazing, and its about 100$ cheaper because i can get it online (unlike NBH). But I'll wait for your feedback Elevation.

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As much as I agree with TPS making great products I think the R8 shins look extremely hot and when I posed the question about my new shins someone mentioned that they had them and that they were indeed really hot. They are also a different fit than the one90s, they're more traditional aka looser.

Either way, keep us updated!

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I also use Sherwood 5030 shoulders, great mobility, lightweight, dirt cheap, decent protection. Wouldn't recommend them for shot blockers though. I did take a puck clearing in the chest yesterday, bounced right off, no pain.

thank you im not the only one who wears old school shoulders. except mine are the winwell version. i just like the way they feel and never have problems knockin guys into the boards with them. it gets anoying walking into a new locker room and having kids tell me im crazy

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Im really leanig towards the R8 because I have yet to find a TPS product that wasnt amazing, and its about 100$ cheaper because i can get it online (unlike NBH). But I'll wait for your feedback Elevation.

Yah, the shins are the only thing im worried about. I really like the one90 stuff but it will be an extra 150$ because i live in Canada and NBH doesnt ship here.

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I did go to my LHS, they dont have the TPS R8 shins in a 13 or 14 inch. All the other stuff fits fine. If they just had the damn shin pads in my size!

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oh that's arrggh...i feel with you. hope my stuff is coming on weekend. i heard the shins are made by the same manufactory/producer of jofa...think they look very similar too, i am curious about the lining...chudd said, they are getting hot...i will try them here in my summer-training indoor-inline...this tank is hot....so i will be able to tell u about temperature ;-) by the way, which shins are cooling, mean working...?

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IMO you just can't beat the RBK/Jofa shin,shoulder and elbow pads for protection have been using the for over 15 years now. Have a pair of old modified jofa shoulder pads the ones that fit on suspender straps with koho caps and wouldn't trade them in for the world. Wouldn't be to everyones liking find even the sherwood 5530 to restrictive across the chest

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I was just about to order some one90 elbow pads when i saw the rbk 6k fitlite elbow pads. Sorry for the questions but in Australia we don't get all the gear when its released until a while later or sometimes never at all so this stuff isnt at the shop at my local rink. What are these elbow pads like? I've heard the anchor strap on the one90's is a good feature but do the 6k's have one? Any feedback in general on the 6k's or even a comparison between the two would be greatly appreciated. Correct me if i'm wrong because i'm only going by the pictures I have seen, but do the rbk 6kk fitlites have a bit more forearm protection than the one90s? Thanks heaps guys.

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Im really leanig towards the R8 because I have yet to find a TPS product that wasnt amazing, and its about 100$ cheaper because i can get it online (unlike NBH). But I'll wait for your feedback Elevation.

Yah, the shins are the only thing im worried about. I really like the one90 stuff but it will be an extra 150$ because i live in Canada and NBH doesnt ship here.

You'll get raped on brokerage/duty/customs fees, so you won't save as much as you think. I ordered 3 shafts from hockey monkey last year and got another $50 tacked on afterwards.

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I didn't see this listed yet, but I think that ccm vector 10.0 elbow pads are amazing. They are comfortable, but they also only have one strap for the whole thing and have an extra wrist guard attached.

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Thanks for all the help guys! I ended up buying the old Nike V-14 shoulder and elbow pads, but they didnt have the shins in my size so i got Supreme 70s (same as pants). The Nike stuff was on sale to so i saved enough money to pay for a pair of Vapor XXX gloves. Thanks again for the help.

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Well, now that the ONE90 protective is out the V-14 are concidered old. Anyways it was about 600 after taxes and that kinda stuff. Believe it or not, I actually prefer the V-14 over the ONE90. My friends think Im an idiot because i didnt get the ONE90.

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If you like it its cool, ignore your friend's comment, i think he's the idiot. Its comfort that counts not the looks. Besides that, nice pick up on the v-14. A friend of mine had a pair and, I tryed it on and it is good! Its offers a lot of freedom in moving, Enjoy your new pads^^

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