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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hackva or nxi ?

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Im getting a new helmet soon. and i like the hackva carbon helmet and i like the nxi phantom and nemesis helmets. so if u have any opinion on which helmet is better i would like to hear it .Thanks

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I've played in a NXi but not the Hackva. Both are good products and either should serve you well. I do like the shape of the Nemesis more than the Phantom but that is a personal opinion. The Hackva does seem like a good deal but they haven't been on the market very long to demonstrate their durability but the manufacturer does have experience in the market space.


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Either way, you're going to be extremely well protected at a very reasonable price. For my money, two of the best looking unpainted masks on the market are flat-colour NXI Phantoms and carbon/textallium-finished Hackvas. Justin's bang on: Steve Badger is a first-class mask maker and a really good guy. I've never dealt personally with Hackva, but Gabe is supposed to be terrific.

If it's a possibility, I'd say go with whichever guy is close enough to give you an in-person custom fitting, which is worth its weight in gold where protection is at a premium.

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My vote is the NXI. They are light, extremely light and extremely protective. BUT you really can't go wrong with either one. I personally like NXI based on the entire design, the look of the mask is great, the weight is amazing and the lack of the *PING* and ringing in the ears is a god sent. If I was still playing between the pipes, I'd still be using a NXI.

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but they normally cost a lot more than a baseline NXI phantom.

Think about it, for basically the same price you get a itech 2500, you won't be hearing a ping because you'll be out before the sound makes it to your ears.

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I have an NXI Phantom and I have had great luck with it.

My head is a bit small and I wish NXi masks were not all one size fit.

I have a very thick liner in it so its a bit spongy. I Love the ventilation in this mask- Ideal if you play in hot and humid climates. Very light and great design and the cage and color options are great. The paint job on these hold up so well and the fact you can take the liner out and wash it is great. I also love the chin strap which is nuisance in a lot of other masks.

Other brands I own-

Reidic- Really a great mask and has the best certified cat-eye cage but they are out of business which bums me because their product was great.

Sportmask- Great fit for me- light balanced and great sight lines and you have the option to go custom. This mask fits to the contours of your head and face. You may want to look into this option as well.

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