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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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jags n' bogs

Baking Sande

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i really wouldnt try to bake them unless they say they can be baked, id rather break in a pair of gloves, than ruin them and not have them at all

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o guess i learn something new every day ;) i had a pair of those 9950 sherwood lite gloves and they had baking instructions on them so i thought they had to have instructions on them...

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i really wouldnt try to bake them unless they say they can be baked, id rather break in a pair of gloves, than ruin them and not have them at all

I'm pretty sure his say they can be baked. I know all current Sande models can be baked, so I'm assuming since he just got his they are a newer model.

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Ok, here you go. PREHEAT & Bake at 165-175 a skate oven is BEST!!! if you use your oven at home make sure glove is far from buner or you will melt. put a timer on so you do not forget and you want them very soft put them in for 6 min. possibly, LONGER , but like i said keep them as far from the burner as possible. mine are always done. be sure to make sure they are extremely soft and pliable.

once you have them formed the way you want put them right into your freezer or fridge to cool them down fast. this will help to ensure they are the way you want them, the faster they cool the more they will hold there shape.

hope that helps. any further questions email me directly.

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