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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i need new elbow pads

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right now im using easton X-tremes (older model) SR short. left ones shell is cracked all the way down and when i go down it seperates and my elbow hits the ice (and its the one a broke last year) so i need to get some new ones. we dont really have any at work that i like a lot, and i hate change. so id like to stick with some thing close to the same. any suggestions?

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i try and stay away from big bulky elbow pads that have plastic caps. i just got a brand new pair of tps contour ones this yr which arent too bad, but i find them a little too restrictive, so i still use my old vic ultra 666's, but sadly theyre starting to rip up on me

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I have some Sr. Small CCM 852s I'd sell to you for pretty cheap. They are very similar to the Easton X-Treme if I remember correctly. They were a bit loose on my arm so I went back to my tiny tiny Bauer Impact 500 (Jr. Medium) from like 1995 but just ordered new Jr. Large Mission M-1 elbows.

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