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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor II Select

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Which skates are these comparable too in the new vapor line?

Since you have to call for price im guessing they are around the price of the XXXX, or XXV.I also noticeed these SMU skates had LSP2 holders.


and what about this stick?


Ik they are both SMU I'm just wondering what they are similar too in the retatil line.

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I think the sakte is relatively close to the XVI and the XII i think. The supreme comp stick also has a supremem comp skate and they are some what close to supremem 30 and 50. hope this helps

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Select II has always been a name used for lower end SMU products in the past. I'd assume it's still low-end as the Shift is the name they use for the higher end.

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I was wondering that too can someone answer this question please. Does it stand for ummm---Special.Made.Unique lol?

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I don't think so, if you compare the materials to the supreme 30 its pretty much the same. =/

How come they are so expensive tehn if they are comparitive to tthe supremr 30's

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yeah, it's "special make-up" most larger stores will carry SMUs of some sort. I know that sports authority carrys SMU skies, bikes, backpacks(nike), hockey sticks and more.

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