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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wide Shin pads

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I want some wider shin pads, and I have my eye on the RBK 5Ks right now. How do they compare in terms of protection with the higher-end RBKs? I don't need something too heavy duty, just something compareable to my Nike V-10s right now. I also noticed that the 5Ks are priced at the same as other companie's high-end shin pads (One90s are some that come to mind), so I expect it has somewhat adequate protection?



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i have the rbk 5k shin pads and i love them i bought them because i cant stand bulky ones like the 7k's and 9k's i believe i play in the BC major midget league and even though they are not bulky i have taken many shots off the shins and havent even felt them. they are definately the best shin pads i have ever used

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The 5K's are the same measurements (just as wide) as the higher end RBK's (7K & 9K's). However the 5K's are missing the collateral ligament protection that the higher end RBK's got.

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The 5K's are the same measurements (just as wide) as the higher end RBK's (7K & 9K's). However the 5K's are missing the collateral ligament protection that the higher end RBK's got.

that is what i meant by less bulky

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The 2007 RBK Fit-Lite shin shells (on the 6K and 4K) run narrower than the 2007 9K and 5K shell. All of them have the ligament wing. The 2007 3K has no ligament wing, but model's really just for casual/occasional players. You can't go wrong with the 9K or 5K--Either should last a long time. Take the longest length that fits, wear them over the skate tongue if you can, because they get wider as they get longer.

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If you want wider for the bottoms (as in to put over your skates) than the TPS Contour is a great pad. I think they quit making them last year, but can still be found quite easily. They are fairly inexpensive too. I love mine.

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