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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tendon problem

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okay, here goes. I've never had any trouble with lacebite ever before. However, i'm noticing that on the front of my ankles, i have a hard lump on the tendon, each about the size of an acorn, on both legs. it doesn't hurt, but it feels funny and i noticed my skate tongues are contoured around it.

is this a problem that i should see a doctor for?

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I have seen lumps like that on the back of the foot, like on the achiles tendon, but never heard of them on the front. But the physics are probably the same. If something rubs your foot in a weird way, you body tries to compensate for it. First the body forms a ball of fluid around the irritation. Later, the fluid turns into a fiberous tissue. And finally, bone spurs start to grow where the bump is. Obviously, if the bones spurs are growing, you are going to have a lot of pain every time you lace them up.

The general solution is to stop the irritation ASAP. That means taking a round punch and punching out the padding on the inside of the skate right around where the bump is. Hopefully this will stop the irritation. Another idea is to use really thick socks for a few months, and hope the bump goes away. A little ice each time you take off the skates would not hurt either.

If you do nothing, and the bone spurs grow and are a pain, then the only solution then is to go to a surgeon and have him grind them off! Ouch!

It is more common to see this bump on the back of the heel. It is called Haglund's bump or Haglund's deformity back there. I once asked an Orthopeadist about it, and he said that almost every player on the local college hockey team he saw had the bump. (this was a few years ago. The skate manufacturers have redesigned the skates so they do not grip as tightly in the back anymore, so it is not quite as common today.)

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okay, here goes. I've never had any trouble with lacebite ever before. However, i'm noticing that on the front of my ankles, i have a hard lump on the tendon, each about the size of an acorn, on both legs. it doesn't hurt, but it feels funny and i noticed my skate tongues are contoured around it.

is this a problem that i should see a doctor for?

I am pretty sure if you were not born with acorn size lumps on your ankles you might want to get that looked at. While hockey people are good people, I would most likely seek medical advice elsewhere. Just MHO.

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