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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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home baked skates

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Hi, I'm expecting very shortly a pair of CCM vector 10.0's (roller) I've heard that the skate is very stiff and almost impossible to break in just by skating in them. Can anyone corroborate or go against this opinion? Any tips for baking skates at home without ruining them?



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The easiest way to do it at home is to get in your car and go to a shop with a skate oven and competent employees. Once you're satisfied, drive home. It'll be like you never left.

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The easiest way to do it at home is to get in your car and go to a shop with a skate oven and competent employees. Once you're satisfied, drive home. It'll be like you never left.

it's too bad I'm unable to do that. I live in a country that doesn't have any shop equipped with these ovens. I guess that I'm on my own... Thanks anyway man.

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Hi, I'm expecting very shortly a pair of CCM vector 10.0's (roller) I've heard that the skate is very stiff and almost impossible to break in just by skating in them. Can anyone corroborate or go against this opinion? Any tips for baking skates at home without ruining them?



I had a pair of Vector 10's that required no baking at all and fit right out of the box. No pink no pain.

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I skated a couple of times in my Code 1's before trying the home bake method and it worked great. The only words of caution that I can say is to NOT have your heating elements in the oven on when you put the skates in there. Most ovens do not have a setting for 185 degrees, so I would preheat your oven and with a seperate oven thermometer check the internal temperature. Once you get to 185...pop them in there for 15 mins, lace them up, and sit on your ass for about 20 mins.

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i have a pair of mission wicked 5's and i did not bake them hurt alittle for a wile but i used them a full season i would say they are almost broken in.

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A hair dryer also works fairly well for home baking.

how do you use the hair dryer? Heat the skates evenly? Heat the outside and or inside? My skates arrive Monday or Tuesday so any advice is very welcome.



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A hair dryer also works fairly well for home baking.

how do you use the hair dryer? Heat the skates evenly? Heat the outside and or inside? My skates arrive Monday or Tuesday so any advice is very welcome.



From what I've heard people do, stick the hairdryer into the opening where you put your foot through, and let it sit for a bit. It actually gets quite hot quick.

I've only used the hairdryer for my goalie glove, because I am fortunate enough to have a semi-adequate LHS nearby.

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A hair dryer also works fairly well for home baking.

how do you use the hair dryer? Heat the skates evenly? Heat the outside and or inside? My skates arrive Monday or Tuesday so any advice is very welcome.



From what I've heard people do, stick the hairdryer into the opening where you put your foot through, and let it sit for a bit. It actually gets quite hot quick.

I've only used the hairdryer for my goalie glove, because I am fortunate enough to have a semi-adequate LHS nearby.

If you think like 10-15 minutes is quick :P The hairdryer doesn't get hot enough (like when trying to melt the glue on your blades to stick into a shaft....never works), and sometimes by sticking them in a closed area like your skates will make it stop working cause it gets too hot for what it was designed for and it kicks off.

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I guess I have some questions myself on hairdryer baking. When using it on my goalie glove, I'd hairdryer it for about 2-3 minutes, let cool for about 30 seconds, and then I could barely put my hand in due to the heat.

Is this because YOU have a less powerful hair dryer, skates take longer to heat up, feet are more resistant to pain/heat, or you let it cool a lot longer before you put your foot in?

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I guess I have some questions myself on hairdryer baking. When using it on my goalie glove, I'd hairdryer it for about 2-3 minutes, let cool for about 30 seconds, and then I could barely put my hand in due to the heat.

Is this because YOU have a less powerful hair dryer, skates take longer to heat up, feet are more resistant to pain/heat, or you let it cool a lot longer before you put your foot in?

Hi, since most people usually have a pair of socks on it takes much longer for the heat to reach your skin. I also think that your feet hold uop better to heat than your hands.

P.S. Just remeber that some people are able to walk on hot coal....



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