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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Detroit Red Wings "New" Jersey

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It's the real jersey because it's on the site, however, those pics are obviously PSd.

1 - one jersey has a bigger tag than the other

2 - no way the logo will be that big on an EDGE jersey

3 - the stripe on the right sleeve/hem is identical. Obviously, all they did was switch the colors around

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Sorry if someone has asked this already, but since replicas have been mentioned, does anyone know if the replicas are going to have the curved bottoms? This one looks straight like the current style. Minor detail I know, just wondering...

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are the home and away jerseys going to have different patterns? the white jersey has white under the red stripe at the bottom, where the red jersey does not have that stripe... just bad ps?

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It barely fit on the regular one. When I made my Lidstrom jersey, there is a limited amount of space between the tip of the wing on the logo and the top. But since EDGE jerseys have that piping along the sides, it wouldn't fit.

I bet enough people bitch that they move it back on the left breast, above the logo, closer to the neck.

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Only time they get a patch is if they make it to the Finals...that ain't happening so don't worry about it! ;)

That being said, they can do what the Rangers did - put them on the shoulders.

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Apparently it was necessary to move the C to the opposite side of the jersey.. who knows why.

They had to move the "C" and the "A" to the other side because there is that large seam next to the tip of the wing. The letter wouldn't fit in its normal area (it would be touching part of the logo and part of the seam).

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exactly what jr said.....

on another note, i hate to hijack, but does anyone know if buffalo is keeping the numbers on the front? and also i was wondering if everyone is changing to the right shoulder or just select teams. sorry if its been covered.

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exactly what jr said.....

on another note, i hate to hijack, but does anyone know if buffalo is keeping the numbers on the front? and also i was wondering if everyone is changing to the right shoulder or just select teams. sorry if its been covered.

Just teams that don't have the room to put it on the left side I believe. So far this is only the Wings that anyone knows of.. There might be a few others.

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I think the way he is stretching the right shoulder makes it look like there is a lot more room on that side than there really is.

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Nope. My Lidstrom jersey, I lettered myself, and there is not a whole lot of room there. It is closer to the armpit than in the center of the left breast due to the tips of the Wings' logo.

On the new jerseys, you have the piping there and you can't put it in the center. The only team to have this problem was San Jose before the EDGE jerseys as it was a different mesh there.

Most teams will be able to shift them just a tad to the neck and just have the corner hit the seam, but you just can't do it on Detroit's due to the logo.

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