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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How Dominik Hasek works out in the off-season

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thats more of a core/ab exercise. The juggleing just makes it harder to balance because your mid is trying to do different things. Prolly good for his hand eye cord. too.

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Trust me, that's incredibly hard to do - even more fun when they are two of you juggling a few balls.

I felt like I'd been kicked in the solar plexus by an entire Brazillian football team.

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That ball looks pretty flat. I do the same exercise, without the juggling (instead I toss a ball against a wall) and my ball has a lot more air.

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You want a challenge while juggling? Try doing that and Mill's Mess at the same time.

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That ball looks pretty flat. I do the same exercise, without the juggling (instead I toss a ball against a wall) and my ball has a lot more air.

Let us know when you win your sixth vezina... :unsure:

Ha ha...good answer. Time to let some air out of my ball! Then again, I'm not a whiney, injury prone, diving goalie. Maybe I'll keep it as is.

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There was a thing about ovechkins training last year too, with a photo, he was standing on the balance ball with his hockey stick, and there was someone throwing tennis balls at him, he had to maintain his balance and hit the balls away.

Looked hard

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I know when i trained last summer we'd always be on one of those balls trying to stand on it and then once we did that we would take a straigh bar add some weight and lift. one of the best exercises i did.

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I know a guy who has been training with Gary Roberts. I don't know him that well...but he's a buddy of a guy I play with, so he's out with us every now and then. I think he know Gary from his days as a lacrosse player.

I hope he's out the next time we play, cause I'd love to hear some of the details of THAT workout.

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For the detail part, its just a step by step thing, you start with getting balance on your knees and then get someone to help you get up and eventualy you can get up on your own and then once that is acomplished you just start using weight etc

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I know when i trained last summer we'd always be on one of those balls trying to stand on it and then once we did that we would take a straigh bar add some weight and lift. one of the best exercises i did.

I heard of a hockey player in Florida who broke his neck trying to stand on the ball. It is a very stupid thing to do!

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I know when i trained last summer we'd always be on one of those balls trying to stand on it and then once we did that we would take a straigh bar add some weight and lift. one of the best exercises i did.

I heard of a hockey player in Florida who broke his neck trying to stand on the ball. It is a very stupid thing to do!

gota work at it and get balnce. iknew a kid in my neihborhood who fell off his bike and broke his neck :rolleyes: . i wanna try it out

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to be honest, there is no functional reason to train standing on a stability ball. yea, it's a pretty good core musculature workout, and it's pretty impressive too...but what's the risk?

you can do the same type of balancing act on one leg, on a balance board, on a balance beam, on a pillow, air disc, BAREFOOT.

half the people who use stability balls to train don't even train correctly in the first place.

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