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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

Getting up early...

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7:52 alarm goes off

7:54 i get in the shower

8:04 get dressed/ eat/ watch sportscenter

8:29 brush teeth/ read sports section

8:45 leave for school

9:15 classes start

12:00 Lunch :D

12:45 lunch is over

3:35 school is over

4:00 i get home, go on comp, check e-mail go on MSN and of course go on modsquad!

5:30 supper

6-10:00 play hockey or chill with friends or go on comp

10-11:30 watch tv

11:30 go to bed

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Get up at 7:00. Take a shower until 7:30-35. Dry my hair, etc until 7:45. If I have hockey at school that day, go into the basement and pack my stuff. Eat breakfast/read paper until 8 or 8:05. Go upstairs and brush teeth and then go back downstairs and grab my stuff and go. School until 12 (yea that's right in gr. 8) and then I leave for the rink. Hockey at the rink goes until 3-3:15. Drive home (varies due to rinks being varied around Edmonton) get home at 3:45ish. Go on computer when I get home, MSN, AIM, MSH, or head over to someones house. Do that until 6ish and then come home. Eat dinner, do hw, etc. Go for a run or on the training bike/work out until 8 or 9, then come back home. MSH and MSN/Aim again until 10 or 10:30 then head up to bed. Usually in bed by 11 or 11:30.

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6:45: wake up and go eat

7:10: Shower and brush teeth in shower

7:25: get dressed

7:30: Read paper/sportscentre/do any last minute homework i forgot. :P

7:45: catch bus

8:05: arrive at school

8:30: classes start

11:30: lunch (my fav subject :) )

3:30: get home

3:35: do homework

4:10: go to gym

5:15: get home

5:30: supper

6:30: pickup hockey (in summer, regular hockey in winter)

9:30: watch tv/comp(modsquad)/xbox/guitar/whatever

10:30: go to sleep

get up and do it all over again tomorrow

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current shedule.

8:00 :wake up, get ready for school

8:40 :go to school

8:50 :school starts

3:40 :school ends

4:00 :rugby practice

6:00 :rugby practice ends, head to the gym

8:00 :get home watch tv, eat dinner, go on msh

10:00 :try to start homework

1:00 :head to bed.

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7 wake up

7:10 eat,shower,get ready for school

7:45 Get on the school bus

8:30 Arrive at school

9:10 Classes start

11:30 classes are over get on the school bus and go to the rink eat on bus

12 Get to the rink and put on gear

12:30 get on ice

3 Get off the ice

3:05 take off gear

3:20 Bet back on bus

3:40 Get back to school

3:45 Get on a different bus to go home leave do homework on bus

4:10 Get home

4:30 go to my hockey practice

5:00 practice starts

6:15 practice is over+ shower get changer

6:25 Get home and eat supper

7:00 Watch tv/go on modsquad/ Play x-box

10:30 Get ready for bed

10:45 watch Tv in bed till i fall asleep

Thats a normal day in my life i'm on the ice on average 9-12 a week

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