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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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turning one90 stick'um into tapered shaft

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i have to intermediate one90 stick'ums, the blade is braking on one. what i want to do is cut the bottom and turn it into a tapered shaft. if possibe , what blade size should i use

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I made my intermediate One90 a tapered shaft so I'd imagine you could do it too. I used a senior XXX-Lite wood tapered blade.

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What I do is compare the stick to either one with a visible fuse line or a tapered blade of the same size. Then cut lower than where the hosel should fit and then work my way up. If it's too small where you made the cut, cut some more.

IIRC Int NBH shafts use SR blades, so it's a decent guess that their Int OPS would be fused with SR blades.

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Well mono means one, and comp means composite, therefore monocomp is a single piece composite without a fuse point. It's not built like a TPS XN10 is, therefore you cannot slide out a blade, making the point about Sr. blades being "fused" into Int. shafts wrong.

In effect, cut low and work your way up.

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