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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My wife's a natural. First time fly fishing and she hooks 9.

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I took the wife fishing a few days ago. We went floating down the Yakima in Washington fly fishing. I didn't think my wife would enjoy it much but she ended up hooking 9 (and the biggest of the day, a 17" rainbow).

Good times. I will post pictures when I get home tomorrow.

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Sorry it took me so long to reply. I just got back from Washington.

She plays hockey and fishes? You're a very lucky man, BK.

That I am. On the drive home from Washington, we were talking about classes this semester and she wants to see if she can fit in a fly fishing class in her schedule. She's a keeper. Tom boyish when its fun to have a "bud" and girly when you need wife :) Only downside is that she can't sit through a hockey game unless she is there. :(

What are you pulling out in Utah? Browns, Rainbows...??

It was actually in Washington. Lots of Rainbow and a few squirt browns. The Provo river has some nice trout in it too but I like to float and the river is too shallow in a lot of places to launch a boat. I'm not good enough to fish from the shore.

How many were keepers? Did the wife "out catch" you BK?

I was hoping that nobody would ask lol. I only caught 3 but had the biggest rainbow at about 14". Its not for my lack of trying either, she just has a really good cast and mends like a pro. Its actually catch and release only in Yakama. :( Only thing I came home with was pictures. I will post some tomorrow when we unpack and find her camera.

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For the adamant fly fisherman......this is a guys website that I found when I was up in Detroit. This guy ties his own flies, and he is also a jeweler. He put 2 and 2 together and now makes custom tied flies as tie tacks, lapel pins, etc etc. Have a look at some of his stuff, it is pretty cool.



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