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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Smiley Face with a Beer in Hand

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So the name for my new beer league team is "Free Beer"....complete with "amber" colored jerseys. Each and every player is going to have the name of a different beer on the back of their jerseys, and then with the respective number that they wish to wear (don't worry....we are all of age, and not QUITE alcoholics). I have seen a "smiley" face in yellow with one arm holding a beer mug, but I can't seem to find it online anywhere. Can anyone provide me with a link to a page that has this specifically?? As this is what we want on the front of our jerseys. Help me out please....it would be greatly appreciated.

ps....Goldenrod will be at the top of my jersey....a fantastic Pilsner out of a local brewery called French Broad Brewery.


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Yeah.....we are pretty pround of our 1 moment of comedic genius in our collective lives. But I still haven't found that smiley face that I am referring to.


It looks like this one, but on one side of the smiley face is an arm holding a FULL beer mug. Help me out please!!

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You should do the amber jerseys with white shoulders/helmets. It would be like the head of the beer.

One of the other guys on my team is researching the two toned jersey's right now. My job was the logo on the front. We are pretty excited about our originality, and our chance to unite hockey players and beer drinkers in the same rink. Not sure if we will win a single game this season....but damnit we'll have some laughs and a handful of brews out of our Mr. Beer kits in the parking lot.


google image search

(some images are nsfw - just because it's google)

On your search here, I think that the first one is just about PERFECT!!! That is what I had in mind all along, just that we will do only one smiley, and not the pair. Thanks for the help everyone!!!

I'll be sure to post pics of the jersey's once we have them done.

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Too bad everyone can't wear #24....that would be funny. They'd have to announce goals/assists/penalties by "brand" instead of #.

"...Powerplay goal by Goldenrod...assists to Molson & Heinekin. That's Goldenrod from Molson & Heinekin. Time of the goal 12:45"

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Before we came up with our "Free Beer" team we were going to be the Chiefs with everyone on the team having Hanson at the top of our jerseys, and then our respective numbers that we wanted to have otherwise. Also a good idea.....but I hold more passion for beer than Slapshot. :)

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