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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Problem with gloves

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i have a pair of vapor XX's from a pro team, they were used but in great condition. the problem i have is that when the palms get wet they get mushy and the grip becomes horrible, basically no grip at all. are these the gloves or just the fact that they were used? any suggestions on what gloves can keep the grip when they do get wet? i have never had a pair of gloves that have lost their grip when they get wet

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I have XX's and don't have this problem. Though the first few games I wore them, I had to get used to the slippery feeling you're talking about here. It's not that you're actually losing grip on the stick, it's the fact that the neoprene'ish material *inside* the glove is still new and *it* feels slippery. The outside of the palm isn't the slick part, it's the inside that you're feeling.

After a bit it will kind of break in and it won't feel as slick. I've been using mine for a couple months now and I *really* love the feel I get from the gloves. When I first used them I started using a grippy stick to compensate, but now I just use my L-2 (non-grip) and it feels just fine.

I will say these gloves flex *so* well.. they're so comfortable! Also, one thing I really like about them is that they stay light while you're playing, they feel just as light in the 3rd as they did in warm-ups. And they stay very cool. I'm actually going to order another pair.

Also, that stretch-palm stuff seems to be indestructable... I've used these pretty heavy for a couple months (4-5 games a week) and there is absolutely NO wear on them at all (the black parts). I worried about the durability of that material initially, but it looks like that stuff is more durable than clarino/leather/etc.

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