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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Itechs ~ unconfirmed

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Off of GSBB-

  jf-laflaire;1068142 said:
Some info on those Itechs:

They have the V3 flap at the top, a modified, stiffer foot, solid knee block landing block, with a stiff, extended knee wing, similar to the Velo series, with the flat inner knee. The knee block & area is very Lefebre like in design. There is no break where the knee wing comes off the pad, it is one solid piece of foam/plastic (I cannot tell really). There is an area there were cord comes through & holds it to the knee block, but other than that, it is one peice of smooth jenpro for the whole side gussett & knee wing. Really nice knee setup. Well thought out. No other company has this "no break" here from what I've seen. It seems to better stiffen that wing for stronger slides & balance.

They are not really that thin in the thighrise, about 1.5" or so. The back of the thighrise is completely flat, dissimmilar to most pads out there. It is not concave at all, kind of like a blocker (no leg channel up there).

They are nice & light, lighter than my 585's for sure. They also sit taller (about 2" to 3") then my 585's.

The toe has that little extension, & it is awefully long, about 2", whereas most toe bridges are about what, 1"?

Similar leg channel to the V3's as well.

Itech's pro-return stuff is unbelievable. Well made. They are going after goalies who are not from Quebec it seems & have the budget to do so. Those pads are gorgeous though & really look good IMO. I like the clean look though.

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Hope this gives more detail

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Training Camp Roster for 2007 is located here...

Windsor Spitfires

I'd have to assume it's one of these guys...


Name Height Weight

Andrian, Kyle 6-0 165

Carlisle, Ryan 6-2 195

Engelage, Andrew 6-5 205

Hackett, Matt 6-2 170

Loney, Josh 6-0 165

Ludzik, Ryan 5-8 170

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Head Shot if this helps...

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A pic of the V3 style inner thigh flap.


Looks like it's laced in. Good idea since I don't know anyone who has tried the V3's and actually likes it. Most simply cut it off....Itech just made it easier to choose.

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Habs pants...Habs logos on the bucket...Leighton finished last year as Montreal property didn't he?

I don't recognize an of the other names as Habs prospects...maybe he's just trying to stay sharp until he signs with someone.

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I'd have to say you are right on the money...


Looks like Leighton...

Leighton played for the Spits from 1998-2001...

Pretty much has always worn Itech gear...

It's a pretty convincing argument. :P

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