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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What a retarded article, that is sadly what passes for professional journalism at Sun Media.

So is that even up to date? It doesn't seem to make a lot of sense with the whole 'we won't be going into the free agent market' stuff...do they mean they won't be going in there again, because they already have signed Jason Blake.

I love JFJ's quote about how we need to improve the offence, and the goals against statisitic. Amazing insight from the GM of the league's biggest franchise...score more, let in less...wow, I never thought of that. I guess that's why I'm not the GM.

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i wouldn't want to see it...

i'm a leafs fan and think their best bet is to trade mccabe to get cap space and hopefully get some power up front. and bring up coliacovo from the farm team to take mccabes spot, i honestly think he could do it.

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Colaiacavo played on the Leafs all last season when he wasn't hurt. McCabe isn't going anywhere. He has a no-movement clause which means they can't even send him to the minors, let alone trade him without permission. It seems like McCabe has a good year followed by a bad year. Hopefully he continues that trend.

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ahh...i see. i thought coliacovo was on the farm team, because i didn't see him play for a while...forgot he was injured. also didn't know about the no movement clause for Mccabe.

i hope that they can mix it up, up front and hopefully find some decent chemistry and decent forwards. i think they have a lot in ponikarovsky, steen and wellwood, among the other guys like tucker and sundin. they just need another big name... i'm really admiring ottawa's set up at this point with heatly, spezza and the other little guys.

hopefully, TO gets a new GM within the next 2 years. if something doesn't work, you gotta change it. and sometimes that means getting rid of your big names, for other big names. like atlanta, and edmonton. Toronto can't just keep the same old guys and hope for change, it doesn't work that way.

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