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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing outer glove shells

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I'm wanting to repair the outer shell to my gloves but dont know if it's possible and ifso where to have it done at. I should add that they are the Polyester Nylon material.

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The re-conditioning company I have been using for over 25 years adds new polyknit over worn areas on gloves when re-palming. When they take the glove apart for re-palming, it is easy to do this. However, it is in the neighborhood of $75+ depending upon the amount of work. They also re-cover the thumb since that is usually worn out too. I have done this many times with my favorite gloves. As Johnny Cochran said, "If the gloves fit, you must fix-it." Oh, that's not what he said? It must have been on Seinfeld..........never mind......

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This may be too late to help the original poster, but I had some tears in the shell of my NBH Vapor XXX's sewn up at a shoe repair shop, and they look pretty good.

The repair on the top picture was done near the tip of pinky finger. The bottom pic shows a repaired tear near the cuff. Cost: $8.



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Thanks for all the info. I do still have the gloves and now that I have some positive info can get them fixed. They are knit gloves with just some tears on them. I went to a shoe repair store but when I went to the guy he looked at me like I was nuts but said he would give it a shot. I told him no thanks with an answer like that.

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