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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Domi hits back

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I heard he did alot of edgy stuff like this. It was kind've funny too. I think Domi would've let it go and pass if he didn't think people may actually believe it.

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I heard he did alot of edgy stuff like this. It was kind've funny too. I think Domi would've let it go and pass if he didn't think people may actually believe it.

I don't agree with letting it go. Goons get a bad rep from the media as being violent, meatheads. When in fact, alot of them are the nicest and most fan friendly players on the team(see: Shelley, Stock, Laraque).When something like spousal abuse is said of a "violent, meathead" the non-knowledgeable public will make assumptions about that player.

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He isn't letting it go nor do I believe he should've or would have, because of those reasons. People will believe it to be fact now that they've heard it, even if this guy does end up owing Domi money. It was said and heard and he is now looking into getting some retribution and maybe improving upon his reupation that may now be jeopardized because of his comments.

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