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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I have the 910 and I can assign any file as my ringtone. Worst case, use an editor and only use part of the song.

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i have a krzr and at first i tried to apply a song as my ringtone and it wouldnt work so my first thought was it must be too big so i edited it to about 18 seconds and tried again and it still didnt work. any suggestions on how to make it work?

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It has to be saved to your phone to be used as a ringtone, if it's saved to the memory card in your KRZR then you can't use it as a ringtone.

To switch it, go to the file on your phone. Press the middle menu button thingy and press "Move" and then "Phone". then after that do "switch to storage device" then "phone" then make it your ringtone.

Also, Motorola's won't let you set something as a ringtone if your phone is on vibrate, so check that as well.

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ohh thanks alot for the info ill give it a try

still didnt work after i moved it from the card to the phone and when i clicked options the apply as ringtone option was not in there. could my phone just be screwed or what?

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Is it Telus/Bell? Cause they don't let you use ringtones you make. You have to use the ones that came with the phone/from their downloader ma-jig.

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If your using a Motorola then MPT (Motorola Phone Tools) is your best bet, but yes they have to be .mp3 and saved to your phone memory not your card memory.

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not on all phones. There's also a couple carriers that disable use of your own ringtones to force you to buy ringtones from them. There are ways around it but normally it involves flashing your phone which can fry it and would void the warranty. There's plenty of places online that should beable to help. HoFo would be the best.

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