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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i just bought this game down by me for 20.00 for xbox. couldnt believe the price.... the game is fantastic....the graphics are stunning and look really realistic. there are also kool game modes, like u can play a game againt Carmen Electra's football team and stuff like that. get this game. for 20.00 its incredible. Just letting you guys know :P

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All of ESPN's sports games are on live as well. They were last year too. This is the first year EA's games have been on live, witch is why the espn title is cheaper.

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it is 19.99 that wut i payed for it..... u can play steve-o, and some other guys too....and they have this mode that you can prepare for games by picking wut yuor players work on during the week (ex excersizes,massages,jogging, and even accupuncture...... its really kool

BTW: Carmen even talks sometimes while your playing her...

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im seriously considering picking it up when i get back from beantown, it seems like sega really paid attention to detail in this one, rather than adding a bunch of gimmicks that add nothing to the gameplay. And at 19.99, i might as well buy it because its basically a rental and an additional 13 bucks.

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Madden 2005 is going to be alot better in my opinion. First off they don't even have ESPN 2k5 for PC so that completely throws it out. Console gaming just isn't my cup of tea.

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Steve-0 from Wildboyz was on Howard Stern thismorning, and he said that he was in that game...dont know for sure.

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Yea you can, it works the same way as FMFs and Carmen's.

I've played both of them but i haven't tried anyone else. I coulda played David Arquette's team. I think there's seven or eight celeb's you can play.

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