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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bleeding Blue Note

New iPods

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My 5.5G is going strong, so I won't need any of this. I'll wait 'til second gen of the "touch" to get my hands on one, when flash memory eclipses the 30gig mark (whenever that will be).

And the Nano is hideous. I hardly ever watch any video on my iPod anyways; just sucks up too much battery life and the screen's way to small to get any enjoyment out of it.

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Yeah, it'd cost to get the songs of course and I find myself wondering why would I need a song at that moment and why the hell would it be Starbucks-inspired.

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  AnthonyJTa said:

let's not forget the nice swift kick in the nuts all of us iPhone owners JUST got...

Apple discontinued the 4gb iPhone, and DROPPED the 8gb model $200. I paid $499 for a 2-months-later-obsolete model... $100 more than an 8gb goes for now.

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Good news then:

Chief Executive Steve Jobs on Thursday apologized to iPhone buyers for cutting the price tag of the 8-gigabyte model to $399, which is $200 less than at its debut on June 29. In a letter posted on the consumer electronic maker's Web site, Jobs also said that Apple plans to give a $100 credit to existing iPhone customers. "We want to do the right thing for our valued iPhone customers," Jobs said. "We apologize for disappointing some of you, and we are doing our best to live up to your high expectations of Apple."
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I'll take the credit, but it doesn't seem fair that people whining about this brought it on.

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  mack said:

I'll take the credit, but it doesn't seem fair that people whining about this brought it on.

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I agree to a point.. being an Apple advocate, I know sooner or later, prices will drop drastically, and a new product will be crapped out. But 2 months is a little crazy...I'm more upset with myself, since I bought the 4gb for $499. Yeah, I get the $100 credit, so I essentially get a phone with half the storage size for the same exact price of the 8gb...maybe they'll be a decent re-sale value on the 4gb once Apple unloads all of theirs..

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i live in the UK and was thinking of getting the iphone once it came out in the UK (oct-dec). im now thinking is it worth getting the iphone!! seeing as its really pricey and not all that great as a phone, also with only a 2mp camera. and the feature that appealed to me was the touch screen technology! im in NY in October and the touch is £50 cheaper then it will be here(when it comes out!)

i love apple but there product line is so similar. If i had the iphone i wudnt need the touch, if i had the touch the iphone is pointless!!

i think it is a way of apple getting there new technology out to as many people as possible.

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To be honest though this whole "iPod touch" is cool, I think that once the iPhone gets a good amount of memory actual iPods will start to sell less.. It just makes more sense to be able to get a phone, PDA, etc. Then to get the same shell and design with a few less features..

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  M-Cohen said:

To be honest though this whole "iPod touch" is cool, I think that once the iPhone gets a good amount of memory actual iPods will start to sell less.. It just makes more sense to be able to get a phone, PDA, etc. Then to get the same shell and design with a few less features..

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I dont think it will effect it too much, I think there are alot of people on the fence because they dont want to spend the extra 20 bucks a month for the iPhone plan, so they will jump for the iPod Touch.

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  D3nZ said:

Reading the boards this morning I noticed alot of people complaining about the storage space and they will hold out for the 2nd generation when the flash technology is better and gets you about 40 or 80gb. They should have waited a year to release the Touch and they should have also made it a Bluetooth product (although there are pictures of a little B in the corner where the battery is) so maybe it will be a later activated function with a software of some sort.

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thats what i was first thinking, but i have been reading that flash memory of 40 or 80 gb is gonna be at least 2 yrs down road (the flash memory itself not 40/80gb ipod-touches)

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  sabre09923 said:

I need way more storage space than 16 gig. Apple is really ripping the consumer off this time. For the record, I have an iMac and an iPod w/ video, so I'm not an Apple hater. They should have made 20gig $300 and a 40gig for $400.

And yes, I'm prepared for Vapor to come and defend his boyfriend, Steve Jobs.

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Well, I have to. Ripping off the consumer? How much do you think they should sell it for? Flash storage still is not cheap. You can an ipod with a multi touch screen, wifi, a browser, some amazing software, and you want to pay 29.99? If storage is a big deal for you, dont but a touch, its not the correct product for you. Apple isnt making this think for 12 bucks and selling it for 400, that would be ripping off the consumer...

  kovalchuk71 said:

I have 5 starbucks in a 5 mi. radius :blink:

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I have 209... no, really...literally 209

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  Vapor said:
  sabre09923 said:

I need way more storage space than 16 gig. Apple is really ripping the consumer off this time. For the record, I have an iMac and an iPod w/ video, so I'm not an Apple hater. They should have made 20gig $300 and a 40gig for $400.

And yes, I'm prepared for Vapor to come and defend his boyfriend, Steve Jobs.

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Well, I have to. Ripping off the consumer? How much do you think they should sell it for? Flash storage still is not cheap. You can an ipod with a multi touch screen, wifi, a browser, some amazing software, and you want to pay 29.99? If storage is a big deal for you, dont but a touch, its not the correct product for you. Apple isnt making this think for 12 bucks and selling it for 400, that would be ripping off the consumer...

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Im with vapor on this one. Without flash storage, the iPhone and iPod Touch would not be feasible, with the software they are running. If the used your usual run of the mill HDD, the battery would last abut 2 and a half minutes, and it would be the size of a brick. The highest flash memory i have seen is 64gb...and it cost around 2 grand. So like Vapor said, if you want storage, stick with the iPod classic...why do you think they are still selling it?

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  Cobra2717 said:

Well, im glad I waited for the refresh after my 4th gen died 8 months ago.

Now just to decide...iPhone...or 16gb Touch...hrmmmmm

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My 4gen was acting weird for the last couple months. After going on a run the other day and having the hard drive completely crap out, I finally gave up and started looking at the new ones.

I picked up one of the 80GB Classics (I still laugh when I say that) and really like the size and weight better than my 4g, but I hope they work out some of the interface kinks with the next FW rev.

  kovalchuk71 said:

I have 5 starbucks in a 5 mi. radius :blink:

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Screw Starbucks. Helios or Cup-a-Joe!

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  trox_355 said:

I picked up one of the 80GB Classics (I still laugh when I say that) and really like the size and weight better than my 4g, but I hope they work out some of the interface kinks with the next FW rev.

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Yeah, the "Classic" is dead-sexy... I'm considering tossing my 80gb iPod video (which is only 2 months old, btw) on eBay, and picking up the 160gb Classic. I love the ergo-feel, and the brushed metal finish as opposed to the plastic. I would just miss being able to use the AV cable to watch movies on my TV.

I saw the new Nano today, very interesting... the screen size is borderline annoying. Not that I was ever a Nano-fan, but I def. don't care for the iPod "Fatty"

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I have an 8gb nano for jogging (er had, till a dick who can't drive changed that) and the new ones just look...gyeah. I'll probably go with the 160 and a shuffle for anything on the go.

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i like the classics alot, i'll probably get a 160 soon.

it just sucks that the touch is only 16gb, i know it would be hard to have more but it's just annoying.

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  Vapor said:
  sabre09923 said:

I need way more storage space than 16 gig. Apple is really ripping the consumer off this time. For the record, I have an iMac and an iPod w/ video, so I'm not an Apple hater. They should have made 20gig $300 and a 40gig for $400.

And yes, I'm prepared for Vapor to come and defend his boyfriend, Steve Jobs.

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Well, I have to. Ripping off the consumer? How much do you think they should sell it for? Flash storage still is not cheap. You can an ipod with a multi touch screen, wifi, a browser, some amazing software, and you want to pay 29.99? If storage is a big deal for you, dont but a touch, its not the correct product for you. Apple isnt making this think for 12 bucks and selling it for 400, that would be ripping off the consumer...

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As thockey pointed out, I missed the part about flash memory. I'm still going to wait for the 2nd gen of the "touch" when they get up to 20 gig at least before I buy.

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So i'm thinking about picking up a 160gb today but everyone on the apple boards say they suck.. they say the sound quality is bad and there's a bunch of bugs, does anyone have experience with a 160gb? should i wait?

EDIT: everyone's saying the audio quality is just terrible. will a firmware update fix that?

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  pat19 said:

So i'm thinking about picking up a 160gb today but everyone on the apple boards say they suck.. they say the sound quality is bad and there's a bunch of bugs, does anyone have experience with a 160gb? should i wait?

EDIT: everyone's saying the audio quality is just terrible. will a firmware update fix that?

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the new menu on the "Classic" isn't very smooth at all...then it also has cover-flow, and forget it. I was tinkering with one at the Apple store. It was really sluggish, and in comparison to my 80gb video, painstakingly slow. I have also heard about the sound quality being pretty poor. I'm not too sure about a firmware update fixing that though... I know they've already updated the software in hopes to fix the cover-flow/menu lag.

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