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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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6k VS Synergy II blade

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Hey guys, need a new blade for my AK 27 - looking at a RBK 6K or the Synergy II. Which one is better for durability and then performance?


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Sorry, my AK was a Jeff Friesen Pro stock that was fused into a OPS, the blade wouldn't pop out so it has been cut down to a tapered hole(should have mentioned that)

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durability for both blades are suspect.

I'm usually not hard on sticks/blades, but I cracked a 6k in less than 10 icetimes (beer league and open hockey) The blade had pretty good feel and performed well, however.

I don't have any personal experience with the synergy II blades, but they're based on SL blades, and there have been a couple of threads/posts that mentioned their durability issues.

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If you like the feel of the Inno (Warrior) blades, I'd just go out and buy a Dolo 2 blade. RBK blades, IMO, are pretty thick and the durability reports for the SII haven't been very good either.

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Not to get off topic but i found the warrior blades to have extremely bad durability issues. Last season i broke 6 ops sticks and 4 blades in a two month period. All the blades broke the same way

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Hate to tag on, but how are TPS R8 blades? I can't search for TPS or R8.

How about you find out for us? ;)

EDIT: And jarick, you can search for TPS or R8 if you use the google trick. Just search the domain (modsquadhockey.com) and you should be able to find what you're looking for. To my knowledge, though, kovalchuk71 and TBLfan both have R8 OPS, so you could shoot them a PM to find out how they're holding up.

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Thanks guys, I think I will give the 6K a try, durability is pretty key for me. The warrior blade on the ak27 went pretty quickly, 3-4 ice times(could have been a bad batch they sent Friesen), but I don't think I will go to a warrior blade.

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Hate to tag on, but how are TPS R8 blades? I can't search for TPS or R8.

How about you find out for us? ;)

EDIT: And jarick, you can search for TPS or R8 if you use the google trick. Just search the domain (modsquadhockey.com) and you should be able to find what you're looking for. To my knowledge, though, kovalchuk71 and TBLfan both have R8 OPS, so you could shoot them a PM to find out how they're holding up.

The R8 blade is very nice. Great feel and stiff. Still going too. I reccomend.

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