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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy shinguards - anyone tried them?

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Just curious....they look nice. I have a pretty brand new pair of 16" Jofa 9090's but they are a little too big (width) for me.

Has anyone tried them out?

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I just bought a pair of Synergy shins and they are nice. They feel really good and are pretty light for the amount of protection they provide. I don't find them too wide. The best thing about them is that they dry out really fast. Get a pair, they're solid.

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I like them...them and the bauer's are my two favorites, the synergies are really comfortable also.

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I have them. Light, good padding, and they don't run that wide. I have 16" and am 6'3"---I put roll my tongue forward and put them behind the tongue--good length for me.

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v12s are where the money's at

I really didn't care for the V-12s. I had a pair and returned them. The straps are just goofy on those things, there's no elastic in them so they don't stretch at all and you end up either having them too tight (can't straighten your leg fully) or too loose (the only way to get a full stride). Terrible design. Other than that, they were decent enough shins...

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Mission M-1 shins are the best I've ever tried on or used. Just amazing. And the price just makes it the BEST value for shinpads BY FAR. Same with the elbow pads.

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v12s are where the money's at

I really didn't care for the V-12s. I had a pair and returned them. The straps are just goofy on those things, there's no elastic in them so they don't stretch at all and you end up either having them too tight (can't straighten your leg fully) or too loose (the only way to get a full stride). Terrible design. Other than that, they were decent enough shins...

I agree with you on the non elastic staps, other than that i like them.

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I have Easton Air pads from 2 - 3 years ago. How do you think these would compare weight wise. I do want to get new shins but dont want ehm to be too heavy.

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The Easton Air shins are fairly heavy pad. The majority of the shinpads out there will weigh less than what E airs weigh.

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