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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nah the first Blades Of Steel was a generic hockey game.

*humming the theme*

that game was on nes right? If its the one i'm thinking of , it was an awesome game. Was that the one where the players were like all the shape of cartman from southpark? I need to find me a rom of it...

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Nah the first Blades Of Steel was a generic hockey game. 

*humming the theme*

that game was on nes right? If its the one i'm thinking of , it was an awesome game. Was that the one where the players were like all the shape of cartman from southpark? I need to find me a rom of it...

No, that was Ice Hockey. You could choose skinny, medium and fat players.

*humming the tune*

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Damn I had that game buried on my XBox now I'm going to have to bust it out again. I always went 3 fatties and a Gretzky.

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hit the pass, hit the pass... Im actualy playing blades of steel now. Have you ever realized the guy who says hit the pass in blades of steel is the same guy as the guy who says TOUCHDOWN in techmo bowl

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