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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reusing but ends

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I tried searching but if you were going to reuse an old but end is there a particular brand of glue to use.

Thanks for the replies. :)

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Not sure if there is a butt end specific glue. Personally i'd just use whatever glue i have for my blades. I think i have some TPS glue at the moment, but thats all they had in my LHS when i needed some :rolleyes:

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You can use any type of thermally actuated glue. I find that the hot glue gun sticks work best....the ones labeled for Medium temperature applications. The high temp ones (more heat to make the glue pliable) I find has less of a resiliency once cured, and thus can break loose due to repeated impacts....ie hockey.

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I just checked the bag...Arrow brand multi-purpose dual temperature glue sticks with creepy pinatas on the front. Have attached many blades and butt ends with nary a problem to be found.

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I get the cheapest glue sticks I can find at the hardware store and have never had a problem or had to put tape on a blade tenon.

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I just use glue from a bag of glue sticks I bought at one of those big box home improvement stores. Works for me.

same here, I pour some inside the shaft and all over the end plug, I let it dry for a few hours, works fine!

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I get my glue sticks from the arts and crafts store near my house. Depending on the size, the sticks cost anywhere from 5-25 cents a pop. Avoid the sticks that are really large, about the width of a quarter. Those take forever to heat up and never really work all that well. The longer(foot-long), thinner ones work best in my experience. They heat up quickly and still last quite a while.

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I've been using a glue gun from an arts and crafts store. I do a slight zigzag pattern with the glue onto the hosel of the butt end and then I heat up the shaft with a heat gun and then I just stick it in.

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