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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Torspo skates

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They've been discussed before but the thread was locked so mehh, I dunno :unsure:

Anywayz, if your interested:


That should be their marketing slogan...."BANNED in 50 states and Canada!" "Get the skates so advanced, they're illegal" :lol:

The kids won't bother to look it up and see its a patent infringement suit.

I've got a pair in the basement. They are basically the same technology as my speedskating boots, with higher ankles, shorter blades and a bit more padding, but other than that, they are like semi-custom Bont or Viking long track boots. For the prices they go for, its a deal. Just take a look at what speed skate boots cost. $1000-$2000 easy.

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I've noticed a lot of entry level and rec skaters in these boots due to their comfort and stiffness. Not to mention that they are easy to get around here and have annual blow-out sales at their Anoka warehouse. I know a couple guys who bought the Surge 221's for $80 at the Torspo warehouse. They have new skates out now apparently.

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What old stock? Other than PIAS I rarely see Torspo skates. I've seen plenty of the children's Torspo one piece protective, but that is about it for now. Some of their sticks are making the rounds, but I rarely see the skates on the shelves. So who knows what is going on with that. I'm sure you have Sodie's email, you can ask him why ha

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my xxx's were rubbing my heels for abit after a yr of use and i almost got sucked into buyin a pair of these for 100. it was the mid level ones wiht the solid white holders. wasnt fussy on the chrome or clear holders. the insides look so nice. also the head molding at home is kinda cool. i dunno i went back to grafs. i got a pair of g35s. near future ill prob pick a pair of the torspos up for pond or just for sake of tryin them.

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I've noticed a lot of entry level and rec skaters in these boots due to their comfort and stiffness. Not to mention that they are easy to get around here and have annual blow-out sales at their Anoka warehouse. I know a couple guys who bought the Surge 221's for $80 at the Torspo warehouse. They have new skates out now apparently.

Nice to know Torspo sells direct. I'm sure the dealers that are trying to clean their shelves of old stock appreciate it. :rolleyes:

Sells direct and at cut rate prices.

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