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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Swaping for Tuuk holder need input/advice

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Ok i am in the market for swapping to tuuk holder.

My question is this.What are the best ttuk holder and why.I have read the info in the catalogs.But i want the imput of the guys that actualy use them.I was trying to decide between the ls2 and ls2 power.

Thx guys


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ive skated on the custom plus, the light speed, and the ls2, i can not comment on the lsp, but in my own personal prefrence i like the ls2 best, but the nice thing about the custom plus is that the holder feels much more sturdy than the ls2, but i like the pop and bounce i get off the ls2.

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I know I dont really have to confirm what JR says but of course he is right. The LS2 is hella stiff and the LS2P is hella stiff with a longer blade. :P

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hmm maybe the meth is kicking in, but i swear i felt the other way around, but then again i havent played ice in probally 4 months

You're on crack, not meth.

*look at pic of JR*

Says the dealer!

thx for the input for the Tuuk.I might like the springy feel of the custom +.Coming from the ccm holder..

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I don't mean to thread jack but are there any noticeable performance benefits (besides a few grams of weight) between an LS2 and Custom+?

The steel is a heck of a lot easier to replace in the LS2 versus the Custom+. The LS2 holder is also just a tad bit taller, 3mm, I believe.

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and it's stiffer. The custom+ is soft, many people like the feel of it but as a heavy player with strong legs I prefer something stiff.

Not that it matters but like lb22knight mentioned the custom+ is a hassle to change the blade, the nut is in the front instead of the heel, so that means unlacing the skate.

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Isn't it bad to be soft? What are the real advantages of that?

Sorry to threadjack.

Depends. If you are lighter, the flex will give you a little extra push for free. If you are heavier, or a really aggresive skater, it will not have much benefit.

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JR I have seen you comment favourably about the Pitch numerous times. It is fair to conclude that you feel it is the best holder ? Would you put it on any skate, or does it depend upon the match btween boot and blade characteristics?

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Which tuuk JR?

Custom +

JR I have seen you comment favourably about the Pitch numerous times. It is fair to conclude that you feel it is the best holder ? Would you put it on any skate, or does it depend upon the match btween boot and blade characteristics?

Every boot I get I put PITCH on them, unless I'm testing the holder.

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it depends on what skate you put them on, but i think that the LS2 is right in the middle in terms of stiffness, if you want the big blade you'll have to go lsp's and i haven't been on the + in a while but i guess the blade is more true than the others

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Isn't it bad to be soft? What are the real advantages of that?

Sorry to threadjack.

Besides the main difference of 3 or 4mm height from C+ to LS2, people also forget the ice surface factor. If I'm playing on sand based rink the ice feels much softer then on a concrete based rink. Most new or high end rinks are sand based (someone correct me if I’m wrong). To me LS2 on concrete based rink is like walking barefoot on concrete - way too stiff.


Nothing to do with that and everything to do with ice temperature. I've skated on hard sand-based ice and soft concrete-based ice.

High-end rinks would have concrete. Sand is cheaper to do.

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Curious point about sand vs concrete floored rinks. I would have thought uniform hardness was the chief concern in high-end rink design, but then, I don't know much about it. I always just assumed that hard, consistent ice was best.

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As JR said Custom+ has more flex in it compared to LS. I for one have been skating on Customs for 23 years. It's all personal preference. I'm 6'3" and don't like the extra 3mm of heel height in the LS. When I got the XXs in '03 when they came out I tried the LS for awhile but didn't like them too much and put on Custom+ and the same with my XXXs. You see NHL players take off LS and put on the Customs. Again it's personal preference-- a lot of those guys have skated on Customs for years and years. But, in 5-10 years I bet you will see all LS as the "older" NHL guys retire and the "newer" generation of players who have predominately only skated on LS will be playing.

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As JR said Custom+ has more flex in it compared to LS. I for one have been skating on Customs for 23 years. It's all personal preference. I'm 6'3" and don't like the extra 3mm of heel height in the LS. When I got the XXs in '03 when they came out I tried the LS for awhile but didn't like them too much and put on Custom+ and the same with my XXXs. You see NHL players take off LS and put on the Customs. Again it's personal preference-- a lot of those guys have skated on Customs for years and years. But, in 5-10 years I bet you will see all LS as the "older" NHL guys retire and the "newer" generation of players who have predominately only skated on LS will be playing.

You also have to take into account all of the equipment managers that have been around for years. They have worked with so many Custom+ holders that they are probably a little partial to them. The equipment guy surely has some influence over what the players use.

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