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Eastside hockey manager 2008

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They put the franchise on hold, blaming piracy on their inability to recoup expenses... thusly, they lost money on 07 and paused it.

There are a ton of user modifications and updates and a great community surrounding EHM07 and it's actually a really great sim, I play it all the time... I'm actually playing it right now.

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  LoXish said:

There are a ton of user modifications and updates and a great community surrounding EHM07 and it's actually a really great sim, I play it all the time... I'm actually playing it right now.

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Any places in particular you recommend? I never got around to buying the game because there were some problems with the AI (demo), but maybe I will have to. :(

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try thebreakaway.net or nhl depot

you can get the picture packs and knick knacks for the game there

they usually have roster updates that also replace the fake names with real ones of the players in college..

but it's a shame EHM got put away indefinitely, just wasn't doing well in terms of sales I guess :(

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The original Eastside Hockey was great, the first one "professional one" was clunky...

I played the demo of the last one it seemed great...

The reason why they lost sales is because they have the full version availible for download and its easier to get a crack for it... I know previous versions weren't in all stores and digital downloads were the way to go.

Anyway, I used to always go to fhockey.com

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The newest one was harder to crack supposedly... I guess I must be missing out on whatever everyone else is using on the 07 that put the game out of business :P.

I do own the 2005 version though, it's a lotta fun.

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