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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HECC sticker

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Why do people bother taking them off anyway? If everyone has one then it's no big deal. Like the license plate on your car.

:unsure: But they are still ugly. And crooked. It bothers me.

There are better things to pay attention to while you are on the ice... :rolleyes:

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Two comments:

First, there are two articles of equipment that you should never penny pinch on. One is the helmet for obvious reasons. I get a new one every 2-3 years whether my old one needs replacing or not. If you cannot afford that, try putting a $.50-$1.00 in a jar every time you step onto the ice and you should have enough to buy one every year or two. The other is skates but that's for a different thread.

My second comment is at my USA Hockey DOS, the instructors told us to take the stickers off our helmets. I just put mine in the inside. Some helmets make it difficult to do that. I thought it was interesting that the DOS instructors told us to remove the stickers on the back's of our helmets.

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I always take those things off. Refs in my beer league can barely call a slash, let alone a HECC sticker.

Sounds like our league. They do make us all have black helmets and full face protection as well. We did have a guy with a broken chinstrap get sent off last season. We tied a lace across it and they were fine with that.

I wonder what they would think of the guy with kill across the front of his helmet in pink puffy stickers??

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You won't say that when your team happens to go to Canada for a tournament and they won't let you on the ice. :D In the past few years, I've heard about this happening MANY times. Trust me, it will be the LAST thing you think of.

Im in Jersey and we only need HECC, but if you play down here i dont think you would have a problem playing with CSA

The game is the same whether you play North or South of the 49th....why is the gear certified differently in each country?

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The game is the same whether you play North or South of the 49th....why is the gear certified differently in each country?

CSA = Canadian Standard Association are the only who can certify hockey equipment here.

CSA sticker don't have a expiry date like HECC ones have.

On another note, are the pro helmets you can get on-line, certfied?

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My second comment is at my USA Hockey DOS, the instructors told us to take the stickers off our helmets. I just put mine in the inside. Some helmets make it difficult to do that. I thought it was interesting that the DOS instructors told us to remove the stickers on the back's of our helmets.

I'd heard of referees telling guys that they won't get any more games until they get "black skates" or they better buy a "referee helmet" if they want to move up. In far too many cases, officials are judged far more critically on their equipment than they are on their capability.

That said, USAH refs are not required to meet the same standards for helmets as the players.

decals4pros.com's sticks do not void certification. They make the decals for every pro league.

And they will provide documentation from HECC stating that their stickers are approved for use.

The game is the same whether you play North or South of the 49th....why is the gear certified differently in each country?

CSA = Canadian Standard Association are the only who can certify hockey equipment here.

CSA sticker don't have a expiry date like HECC ones have.

On another note, are the pro helmets you can get on-line, certfied?

no sticker = no certification

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The game is the same whether you play North or South of the 49th....why is the gear certified differently in each country?

CSA = Canadian Standard Association are the only who can certify hockey equipment here.

CSA sticker don't have a expiry date like HECC ones have.

On another note, are the pro helmets you can get on-line, certfied?

No, pro helmets are not certified for use in any other leagues. If you buy a helmet from a team, you will likely have a disclaimer to sign saying you acknowledge that, ans waive them of any responsibility of you get injured wearing it.

The removed ear covers (in most cases) are enough to make them uncertified.

I understand what the CSA is...I'm just questioning the need for separate certification. Why not merge the CSA and the HECC (for the purpose of sports equipment) and certify gear for North America...so no matter where you play, your gear is good.

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no sticker = no certification

Thanks. Is the opposite always true as well (sticker = certification)?

On a new helmet, yes. But any "modifications" (paint, stickers, etc...) will void the certification.

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I understand what the CSA is...I'm just questioning the need for separate certification. Why not merge the CSA and the HECC (for the purpose of sports equipment) and certify gear for North America...so no matter where you play, your gear is good.

Good point and yes it would make sense. But they each want to make money ;)

Also one would have to make sure that the certification criteria are the same.

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Not to mention that some members on the HECC board are in the industry. Take that whatever way you want.

I'm surprised they aren't certified for just 2 years...if I'm taking that the right...

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Why dont they just print the sticker on the helmet in a permanent way, that way no one would remove them and there would be no issue.

and why putting another sticker on your helmet makes it uncertified is beyond me!

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Why dont they just print the sticker on the helmet in a permanent way, that way no one would remove them and there would be no issue.

and why putting another sticker on your helmet makes it uncertified is beyond me!

I'm sure any kind of embedded marking or etching would compromise the structural integrity of the helmet.

Now, I'm wondering if you buy a helmet online an American retailer, is it allowed to be worn in Canada?

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Now, I'm wondering if you buy a helmet online an American retailer, is it allowed to be worn in Canada?

Im sure you can, because every helmet i've bought has had both stickers...

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I agree with the sentiment that a new helmet every 3-4 years is a worthwhile investment. With the way the new foams wear out, I wouldn't mind replacing my helmet to keep up with certification standards as well as my own standards of safety.

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Thanks for those articles SRI, interesting reads...

Does anyone know what the safest helmet out right now is?

or are they all pretty much level in terms of safety and it's only the features that set them apart from each other...

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I was told that the NBH 8500 is the most protective helmet on the market right now.

I have no idea how someone would quantify that given the publicly available information. I believe the Intake had the highest scores from the testing process but I don't believe that directly applies to hockey.

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Some of these rules are really trivial. Reminds me of this one rule at our rink: "do not openly cheer for a particular team". :ph34r:

I also wear my 8k with the HECC/CSA stickers off and with no ear covers and chinstrap. I've never been called on it yet by the refs. I would put the ear covers back in, but I don't know how.

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Some of these rules are really trivial. Reminds me of this one rule at our rink: "do not openly cheer for a particular team". :ph34r:

I also wear my 8k with the HECC/CSA stickers off and with no ear covers and chinstrap. I've never been called on it yet by the refs. I would put the ear covers back in, but I don't know how.

Do you mean the Chin Cup that comes with it...or you wear it without any strap at all. That's just dumb. I'm blown away by the number of guys at shinny/drop in who don't buckle it up.

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