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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Finish the Fight

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I have it pre-ordered but not sitting out at midnight like a spaz for it. I just hope it doesn't suck like Halo 2.

same here... I pre-ordered it online at Circuit City. Free 2 day shipping, etc.. I'll live. After spending countless late night/early morning hours outside in front of electronic stores trying to get my fiancee a Nintendo Wii, I swore to myself I'd never be "that guy" again.

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Most overrated game of all time.

The story is kinda over rated, but its the multiplayer that's won me over, a couple of years ago when my team was going to the province finals we used to get together the night before a game and play against each other. It worked really well as a teamwork builder. I'm really looking forward to playing around with the forge and making videos. I will be one of the "spazes" out in line at midnight, only because my rugby team leaves for a tournament at 7 A.M and won't be back till Sunday. If anyone ever wants a game my GT is dub cheeese

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Everybody knows that the single player is a sub par game at best, nobody buys it for anything but the absolutely spectacular multiplayer.

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It has by far the best online multiplayer I have played for the xbox so far and it totally makes up for the campaign. Plus so many complain about the campaign saying that it is way too short but if you play it on the harder difficulties its not that short.

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Honestly, with all the cheating that went on with Halo 2, the multiplayer wasn't all that great. Yeah, the interface and matchmaking were astounding and IMO haven't been equaled yet on a console, but you know the gameplay was poor when Bungie themselves have come out and said that they can't even play it anymore (online).

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i'm getting it, not as excited about it as i used to be... i still think it will be good though. i didn't even pay attention to CoD4 but then i heard about the beta the day of signups and got it... it's sick, i'm looking forward to that more.

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Honestly, with all the cheating that went on with Halo 2, the multiplayer wasn't all that great. Yeah, the interface and matchmaking were astounding and IMO haven't been equaled yet on a console, but you know the gameplay was poor when Bungie themselves have come out and said that they can't even play it anymore (online).

It cant be that bad if it is still the most played game on xbox live by a long shot, even after 3 years.

Reviews have been coming out, and its getting high scores across the board.

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I get my 360 Friday for my birthday so I'll be playing a lot of games, not Halo though..

Never was a fan of Halo as I had the original Xbox, just never thought it was the game everyone made it out to be. So I will not be picking up Halo 3, I might rent it, but I won't buy it.

I will DEFINITELY be picking up Call of Duty 4 though. The graphics look ridiculous and the Call of Duty game line has always been one of my favorites.

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Always had a playstation and just recently switched the 360. Only played halo and halo 2 on friends machines and was ever really impressed. Also can't wait for COD 4 to come out after countless hours COD 2 is getting a little old ( but not really).

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COD4 isnt all that different from the other ones gameplay wise. I have the beta for the 360 and its pretty much the same with different visuals and weapons. It still is way more exciting than the past ones though.

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I hate Microsoft. Could they possibly screw anything more up?

I went to pick up my copy at lunch today, the special edition or whatever it's called, and was told that the packaging is so shoddy that every DVD that comes with it has been scratched and/or broken. They offered to give me a copy and open it to see if it was okay. The lady told me that every copy she's done that too has been the same way and sure enough, it looks like Tiesto had his way with it. Not that the DVD is really important but they didn't have any regular ones out yet and this appears to be an across-the-board problem with stores that got them here.

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Mack, same thing going on here in Indiana. Everyone of my friend's opened theirs and had the same problem and I guess everyone that had pre-ordered the Special Edition was there bitching at the store for refunds or whatever.

I just hope my 360 lasts more than a week.

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Such an annoyance, I guess I'll switch it up for a regular edition when they get it out.

I know a guy who had the day off anyway and has already beaten it, but said the ending's awesome at least. Great.

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Such an annoyance, I guess I'll switch it up for a regular edition when they get it out.

I know a guy who had the day off anyway and has already beaten it, but said the ending's awesome at least. Great.

I read this today.. awesome. My special edition copy isn't even freakin' HERE yet... should be in tomorrow (FYI- don't pre-order from Circuit City). I've read that the disc issue doesn't effect play..... Jeeze, it seems like the 360 itself is cursed. It seems like every positive thing going for it ends up with yet another setback.

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