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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

Double Down Strategy

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Its ice. Im not really sure what it is exactly. I wasnt there for a practice, coach told me that we are gona try Double Down and I should ask another player how it was ran. The other players chuckled and said they didnt really know either.

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I'm lost too then mate .... sorry .... if it was inline, I had seen a team who had really good rushing D-Men who, as soon as they had the puck, sent both wingers very long behind the opponents D (even net sometimes). This stretched the play totally and their Backmen would just skate it up the rink, passing between themselves or just play a long flip into the corner. This was all in the space of 5-10 seconds, so was a real fast way of getting the puck close to the other net and got the oposition "puck watching".

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I'm not 100% but it sounds like one player get thes puck carrier and the other player will get the puck, 2 low and then the third guy is in the slot area. i would assume its on the forcheck and it would be the opposite of the TRAP

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Its ice. Im not really sure what it is exactly. I wasnt there for a practice, coach told me that we are gona try Double Down and I should ask another player how it was ran.

Crazy, maybe the coach should actually teach it.

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Not really a hundred percent sure , but maybe he is referring to down in both the offense and defensive he always wants two men on the puck?

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