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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X shaft 04

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Now hockey season start in about 2-3 week I'm looking for new stuff,I just bought a franklin air core 9007(blade) and a sicore z carbon...

I'm looking for a new shaft(I have a z-bubble) and the vapor X look nice(I don't whant tapered shaft)

So,do you have any review on the X??...how is it comparable to the z-bubble??

any other idea about a new shaft beside the vapor X??(no tapered)



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M-2 is a pretty good bet. I'll be getting mine soon so I'll post a review. There are already two of them up. Beside, I think its slightly cheaper than the X ($150 for SR ones at Rousseau)

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I was under the impression the X was just a repainted TFG. If that's the case, it's a great stick.

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I was under the impression the X was just a repainted TFG. If that's the case, it's a great stick.

TFG?? could some explain me i say it on other post too (talking about glove)

i know that SMU but what is TFG?? :rolleyes:

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Probally meant XN10 Red Lite but for 150 Cdn..............................

the vapor X is 150cdn but that a good idea i never thinking about the red lite!!!

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I dont think shafts should breach the 120 dollar mark since most of those "high-end" sahfts are just gimmicks and cosmetics. Like the Z-Bubble its a little over 120 and everyone says they break within a week of usage. The new X line is just a cosmetic movement to attract teen players (Whats cooler then a smooth blend of red and black with a nice "X" on it). Dont get me wrong they are proabbly great shafts but the price is just overwheliming.

Edit: You cant go wrong with the "tank" shafts like: TriCore, Rubber, Ultra lite, regualr red lite. Overpriced, Yes but its worth every penny since its gonna last.

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hey Whip that exactly what i am 14 yr!! and Vapor X look so great!!!

By the way i have a Z-buble since 6 months played about 4-5 hours per week and there no problem

I'M not a ''breaker'' stick so for my tanks are not necessary...

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I am 16 and the Vapor line looks dam good! Especially the X. Go with what you like but if its comparable to the TFG then it cant be off by that much.

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