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Tackla Air 9000

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the 5000air is the retail highest-end, and the 5000pro is the pro model (well, obviously... :P )

the 5000pro has a bit more to the protection, and is a two-piece pant (not exactly the girdle-and-shell, it's hard to describe...)iirc.

visit their website.

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The Canadian version IS different...much higher quality pant compared to the US sold Air 9000 made in Thailand.

The 9000 ACS is a top line pant. I think it is the best pant I have ever used...and I have used 5000 pros as well. In my opinion...spend the extra $$$ for the ACS Canadian. You will not be sorry.

The Canadian version uses a less durable nylon on the shell.


According to the docs...it would appear that the difference between 500 and 420 nylon would reflect a less durable nylon, but I can tell you from experience that the 9000 ACS is a ton more durable. The Nylon is significantly thinker in density, and has a polyurethane coating which makes a big difference compared to the 9000.

According to the specs, the 420 dernier P.U nylon is also on the Pro 5000 model.


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I wear the 5000 Air model and their by far one of the best hockey pants I've ever owned. Incredibly comfortable and flexable from day one and they get better the more you use them. The protection is very formatable for just about any level of hockey. The protection in the Pro version must be ominous.I highly recommend Tackla pants to anyone. I'm an Easton fanatic but I'd take these over the S-9 or S-5 anytime.

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hey guys i tried serching but couldn't find what i wanted. i have tackla air 9000s right now but there a little short and i have a size 46. does any one know if the pant size goes up noticebly in the 48s.

I am in the exact same boat as you. I tried on the 9000s at my LHS and instantly fell in love. The 46 fits around the waist but they were too short. The 48 was too baggy but the length was right. I'm waiting for the size 46 Long to be in stock so I can try them on before I jump to conclusions.

How much are they going for at the store you went to? It's going to set me back a nice $199.99 = / Hate these Canadian Prices.

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hey guys i tried serching but couldn't find what i wanted. i have tackla air 9000s right now but there a little short and i have a size 46. does any one know if the pant size goes up noticebly in the 48s.

I am in the exact same boat as you. I tried on the 9000s at my LHS and instantly fell in love. The 46 fits around the waist but they were too short. The 48 was too baggy but the length was right. I'm waiting for the size 46 Long to be in stock so I can try them on before I jump to conclusions.

How much are they going for at the store you went to? It's going to set me back a nice $199.99 = / Hate these Canadian Prices.

I think the are going for around $180 but can't say for certain.

Speaking of Canadian prices: WOW! I was just up in Thunder Bay so I decided to stop at the Source for Sports. The first SyNergy (grey one) was going for $240! couldn't believe it.

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I just picked up a pair of 5000 pro's from a junior team sale for $25...

Haven't gotten a chance to play in them yet, but just by putting them on it's so comfortable and light and the freedom of movement is great.

Can't wait to get on the ice with these things, I think i know why so many people shell out the big bucks for Tackla pants...I'm so happy I got these for so cheap!...haha

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