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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stores in Syracuse

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I hate to do this but I have to, I'm wondering if you guys know that stores in Syracuse. The tourist shopping district area would be the best. My mom is going down and told me cause of the dollar she's going to buy me new skates and sticks but she can't find any where a hockey store is? Can anyone help me out?

Also any way any of them would have the XXXX stick in yet?

Thanks a lot

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You're in luck!

One of the best stores in Central NY is in Syracuse...McKie Sports. It is in the Coca-Cola coliseum...which is the hockey rink at the State Fairgrounds. It is very easy to find...exit 36 off of the NYS Thruway. Follow the signs to the fairgrounds or ask at the tollbooth the way to the fairgrounds. They have by far the best prices and selection in the area other than Kemps in Albany. I am a regular there.

He does not have the XXXX yet...will not hit the First Line stores for another week or two I am told. Skate wise...he has everything. XXXXs, 9Ks, Grafs, One90s....you name it. Stick wise he also has the best selection...and is one of the few places in the area that carries Warrior sticks, as well as NBH, RBK, CCM, Sherwood. Like I said...he as it all, and his skate prices are usualy lower than online (he will usually drop the price on skates about an extra $30 when buying top end skates and some other odds and ends). You want to deal with the guy that runs the shop when buying there...always forget his name...but he has the black gotee. Knows his stuff.

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So my mom is heading down again and insists that its too good a deal to pass up and is going to buy another stick. Really want the s-17...with the 15th release date I'm hoping it is there buy the weekend? Anyone have any experience? Does he usually get stuff in as a first line dealer?

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