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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bought a warrior dolomite off of eazyB97 THANKS :D

Damn...how'd I miss that when it was up?

it wasnt up.. lol.. it was via email :P

We should rules against that like on ebay...no off site sales allowed. Oh, wait...mods have enough of a challenge enforcing the current rules.

Scrap that idea.

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I thought it was up on here, sorry Radio. I knew she was looking for one so I PMed her about it.

Is it there Mich? Obviously good feeback towards those who have mentioned me as well. So that is Miike, Ktang, and MissConduct.

I'm still waiting on an SL I'm a little worried about, but I'll hopefully have some more good feedback soon.

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so say I was looking for a warrior stick like a year ago and someone pm's me on MSH says you still interested in a warrior? i have one.. and so on.. that person shouldn't get a good rating?

I'm just kidding...by all means....he remembered you were looking for one, and was kind enough to PM and offer it up...that should get BETTER than normal good feedback.

I'm just ticked that he didn't offer it to me first :D

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I thought it was up on here, sorry Radio. I knew she was looking for one so I PMed her about it.

Is it there Mich? Obviously good feeback towards those who have mentioned me as well. So that is Miike, Ktang, and MissConduct.

I'm still waiting on an SL I'm a little worried about, but I'll hopefully have some more good feedback soon.

No worries...As it turns out...looks like I need new skates, so I gotta stop spending on gear I already have enough of (Jerseys and sticks)

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