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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Staios' Helmet

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Watchin the Wings game, and Micky Redman mentioned that Steve's helmet is now reinforced, and now wears a visor after his Concussion. Just curious as to what they would do to do that?

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They did it for Kariya earlier in his career. I think its just more protection (padding) on the insdie of the helmet.

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Is the visor tinted at all? I know some previously concussed players use a tinted visor to cut down on glare (which can cause headaches).

Click on the NHL Gallery link at the top of the page. He wasn't wearing any visor tonight.

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huh, micky must have been in the sauce already cuz thats exactly what he said was he was wearing a visor and a special reinforced helmet after his cuncussion

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huh, micky must have been in the sauce already cuz thats exactly what he said was he was wearing a visor and a special reinforced helmet after his cuncussion

Redmond is the Harry Cary of hockey announcing. They should just turn off his mic so you can enjoy the game.

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What concussion? You sure they weren't talking about Jarret Stoll?

He had 2 concussions and now wears a visor. I don't think Steve got a concussion in the last few years, and still doesen't wear a visor. Stoll does though. I think either you misheard, or they got their info wrong.

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Common guys Micky rocks. He's more like the Denis Leary of comentating. He's a crack up with his verbage. LOL!! I miss hearing his crazy talk. But now I have Pang and Straighter to listen to which is always a treat.

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Yeah, he said Staios..but like I said, once he's into the cocktails, anything can happen. I'm most likely that was the case cuz they opened up the new Legends Lounge upstairs, and most likely hitting that during the intermissions.

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