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Mission Fuel Ti-Pro

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Just got my first looks at the helmet, too. Seems like it would be very comfortable and protective - once it's broken in a little bit. The thing fit a little funny "right out of the box." It didn't feel like it was sitting on my head properly.

I tried on a Fusion, and I know exactly what you're talking about. It just seems to fit a little off. It's like it wants to hug your head like an EPP helmet, but the VN pads are too big/un-shaped to allow it. Maybe I'm not describing it properly, but it was definitely a weird fit.

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Just got my first looks at the helmet, too. Seems like it would be very comfortable and protective - once it's broken in a little bit. The thing fit a little funny "right out of the box." It didn't feel like it was sitting on my head properly.

I tried on a Fusion, and I know exactly what you're talking about. It just seems to fit a little off. It's like it wants to hug your head like an EPP helmet, but the VN pads are too big/un-shaped to allow it. Maybe I'm not describing it properly, but it was definitely a weird fit.

Sounds similar to what I thought, just posted my review on it by the way.

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I got to cut one of our Ti-Pros down to size and take it for a whirl the other day. The stick is very, very well balanced - too well balanced for my own personal preferences, as I like my sticks a tad blade-heavy. Feel isn't remarkable, but it's not bad considering how light the stick feels on the puck. Shots come off the stick pretty well; I didn't have any problems with torquing - the shaft and blade stayed square. The lower part of the shaft seemed to have a certain "pop" to it that the blade lacked. Passes were playable, though I had to consciously make adjustments - it's not that the puck "bounced" off the blade, but, as I said earlier, the blade was a little light for my taste, which had an effect on the way I played the puck.

I believe I said it beforeand I'll say it again - the stick is stiffer than what it's stamped at. I was shooting with an 85, which felt something more in the range of a 90-ish. Nothing TOO drastic, but it was certainly noticeable, and it did force me to change some of my mechanics a little bit.

I only had the stick on the ice for about an hour or so, so I can't really comment on durability. I can say that I have seen two or three get snapped - all of them at or above mid-shaft.

thanks man thats what I was looking for - what Flex's do you guys have in stock at the pepsi center?

also is there any truth to the rumor that there is going to be a SR ops with a low (say 75?) flex? or no?

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We have 85s and 100s. As far as the rumor is concerned - I haven't heard anything like that from anyone I would consider to be a reputable source. I've heard whispers that the stick would be made available in a Sr. 75, but haven't been able to nail anything down.

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For those who've used the fuel and the Fuel Ti-Pro. Where do rank among other sticks?

Reason I ask. I say some Fuels on sale at my LHS this weekend. I thought about picking one on price alone, but held off because I have no experience at all with Mission products. Also curious to hear what people think about their tapered shafts.

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We have 85s and 100s. As far as the rumor is concerned - I haven't heard anything like that from anyone I would consider to be a reputable source. I've heard whispers that the stick would be made available in a Sr. 75, but haven't been able to nail anything down.

Most reps should have the Sr 75 in the regular Ti. The Ti "Pro" is only 85 & 100 (Titn in blade area). We shot the 75 flex Ti last month. Very nice with the extra FLEX.....

Most of our instructors are now using the 85 or 100 Ti Pro. IMO it has more kick then any Mission stick I have used.

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For those who've used the fuel and the Fuel Ti-Pro. Where do rank among other sticks?

be prepared for people who haven't used a mission stick in 4 years to tell you they are junk :blink:

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