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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Strength and Conditioning training

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heyyy guys, I was wondering if anyone had or knew of a strength training plan. I need to get back into shape and I cant seem to find a plan for muscle building and endurance etc.

any help would be appreciated!



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There are literally dozens of these topics here. Try using the search tool and I think you'll find a wealth of information.

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Lift weights. Squats and bench press are a must. And for conditioning. Tie yourself to a treadmill and change your speeds frequently to replicate a hockey game.

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Lift weights. Squats and bench press are a must. And for conditioning. Tie yourself to a treadmill and change your speeds frequently to replicate a hockey game.

Hardly. Squats, yes, but there are at least 20 different exercises (probably many more) that are more beneficial then a bench press for a hockey player.

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