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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tapered Wood accesories ?

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I was wondering if its possible to get Tapered shaft ends, and blades ? I saw only 1 Tapered Wood blade on Hockeymonkey but its a left :(. Anyone else know where I can find what im looking for ?

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I know there are some Easton (Synthesis), TPS (R2) NBH (Vapor XXX) and Sherwood tapered wood blades floating around the internet and a lot of LHSs. Do some digging, you'll find 'em, for sure.

I can't say I've ever seen a tapered butt-end (if you're asking for that, too). Your best bet would be to shave one down until it fits.

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Sherwood and Christian both make good, tapered wood blades. There is a Spezza pattern in the SherWood on hockeymonkey and you can get the Christian blades on their website.

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A lot of the time I have to sand or whittle down the tenon of a wood end to get it to fit into a stick. That seems to be the best bet though to keep it from moving around.

There are plenty of tapered wood blades:

- Bauer XXX Lite

- Easton Synergy

- TPS R8 and older R2

- Christian/Harrow

- CCM 892

- Sherwood 9950

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I was wondering if its possible to get Tapered shaft ends, and blades ? I saw only 1 Tapered Wood blade on Hockeymonkey but its a left :(. Anyone else know where I can find what im looking for ?

If you are looking for tapered end-plugs, Christian makes them.

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