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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey all,

I bought a xn10 about 2 weeks ago, and today when i was playing the blade got stuck in the crack of this one door when i was trying to get the puck. Long story short, the blade snapped in half so I went to my local lhs and got a synthesis blade put in. However, after i got home whenever i tap my stick or stick handle a puck i hear this wierd rattling type noise. At first i thought maybe the blade wasnt in tight enough but after pulling on it, it seems pretty secure. What do you think it might be?? The sound is stemming from the blade/hosel area. I'm pretty distraught over breaking my brand new xn10, and considering the way it was broken i'm pretty sure the warranty won't cover it. So i want to at least try and salvage what is left. Any opinions and help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Good job not trying to warranty it. Your honesty keeps the system in place. Its probably just a piece of glue or something rattling around.

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more than likely, you put a little too much glue on it, and after some use it broke free from the inside wall of the shaft, take the blade out, and reglue it, that should take care of it

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k thx guys, that's what i was thinking it was..I wasn't the one who did it, the guy at the lhs did but it looked like he was doing it carelessly. And there was a hell of a lot of glue. Ill reglue it and see how it works out

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Does it slide down the shaft when you turn the stick over? If not, the blade may just be slightly loose. Every couple of weeks, my stick starts making a clicking noise (the blade has loosened) I just heat the shaft/blade a bit with a hairdryer to re-set the glue and it is fine.

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